The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Out of my head." (Iz golovyi) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Get you out of my head

The rain will probably drive me crazy

I don't want to, I can't

Neither sober up, nor tell

In your eyes, pain blackens

And with a word, no, I can't convey

Get you out of my head

Maybe take a cold shower

Tell me, rain, why are you coming

When I'm sad without that

My moon sings with me

Not understanding anything

You promise me a terrible revenge,

And I leave you my passport

You need it more, I'm still here anyway

I won't be late, not that star

I know all the places in this city

The clock is ticking, I see a sign

And if you kill something, then only like this

Get you out of my head

Put someone else in

Forgive me, goodbye, my parachute

Packed long ago, ready

Get you out of my head

Get you out of my head

My parachute…

Out of my head…

Выкинуть тебя из головы

Дождь сведёт, наверное, с ума

Я не хочу, я не могу

Ни отрезветь, ни рассказать

В глазах твоих чернеет боль

И словом, нет, не передать

Выкинуть тебя из головы

Может быть, принять холодный душ

Скажи мне, дождь, зачем идёшь

Когда мне грустно без того

Моя луна поёт со мной

Не понимая ничего

Ты обещаешь мне страшную месть,

А я оставляю свой паспорт тебе

Тебе он нужнее, я всё равно здесь

Не задержусь, не та звезда

Мне в этом городе известны все места

Часы стоят, я вижу знак

И если что-то убивать, то только так

Выкинуть тебя из головы

Поселить кого-нибудь ещё

Прости, прощай, мой парашют

Давно уложенный, готов

Выкинуть тебя из головы

Выкинуть тебя из головы

Мой парашют…

Из головы…

Zemfira's song "Out of My Head" is filled with pain, despair, and the desire to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a person who probably hurt the lyrical heroine.

The image of rain is used as a symbol of purification, an attempt to "drive mad" and thereby free oneself from oppressive feelings. The heroine is in a state of emotional stress, unable to either "sober up" from the surging emotions or "tell" about her pain.

"The blackening pain" in the eyes of the other person indicates that the suffering is mutual, but it does not bring relief.

The motive of escape and self-search can be traced in the lines about the moon "singing" with the heroine and the desire to "kill" something inside herself in order to start living again. The phrase "I know all the places in this city" speaks of a sense of loneliness and being lost.

The image of a parachute, "packed long ago and ready", symbolizes the heroine's determination to break with the past and start a new life. The repetition of the phrase "get you out of my head" emphasizes the obsession with this idea and the difficulty of its realization.

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