The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My happiness" (Schaste moe) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

My Happiness, how am I without you?

How many more cloudy days to wait?

Maybe I'll come back no longer to you

But, My Happiness, be, just be...

I will write about it clumsily, not in rhyme

How pride crashed into change on the reefs

I was killed by faith in myself, in a dream

The fairy tale was dying and long distance didn't save it

My Happiness, how am I without you?

How many more cloudy days to wait?

Maybe I'll come back no longer to you

But, My Happiness, be, just be...

Счастье мое, как я без тебя?

Сколько еще ждать пасмурных дней?

Может быть я вернусь уже не к тебе

Но, Счастье мое,  будь, просто будь…

Я напишу об этом нескладно, не в рифму

Как разбивалась гордость на мелочь об рифы

Меня убила вера в себя же, во сне же

Умирала сказка и не спасал межгород

Счастье мое, как я без тебя?

Сколько еще ждать пасмурных дней?

Может быть я вернусь уже не к тебе

Но, Счастье мое, будь, просто будь…

In her song "Schastye moyo" (My Happiness), Zemfira conveys a deep sense of longing and dependence on a person she addresses as "My Happiness". The lyrics are filled with pain and uncertainty.

The lyrical heroine is tormented by the question "How can I live without you?", which is repeated throughout the song, emphasizing the depth of her feelings. She is exhausted by waiting ("How many more cloudy days to endure?") and unsure of the future ("Maybe I will return, but not to you").

Despite the pain and doubt, the heroine clings to the image of this person, begging them to "just be". This phrase is a cry from the soul, a plea to preserve the last shred of hope.

The second verse reveals the heroine's inner turmoil: her pride is shattered ("pride shattered to pieces on the reefs"), her faith in herself is lost ("killed by faith in myself, even in my dreams"). The image of a "dying fairy tale" symbolizes the destruction of hopes and illusions, and the "long distance" – the insurmountable distance between the characters.

The song leaves a heavy impression, conveying the depth of despair and hopelessness, but at the same time, the power of love, which, despite everything, does not fade away.

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