The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Snow" (Sneg) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

I burst into your life, and you were stunned,

I wanted love, but you didn't,

Maybe I'm saying something wrong, listen, listen,

I give you a star, give me your soul, strain your ears.

I dreamed that people would want differently,

Mmm... Bad luck - I got caught in the crossfire,

There's the first snow, even it's useless, you're silent, but listen,

More than a cynic, and you're talking about some kind of soul, have mercy on my ears...

I understand, there's no point in talking,

I don't want to fight with you, believe me, you know better.

You can take off, fly away, fly up,

You can leave or stay, but you're melting away!!!

Snow... Melting... Snooooow!

Forty minutes flew by, like the word "See you tomorrow",

Snow on my boots, a complete lie in my eyes,

I'm so tired, what did you want, do you even know? (No)

Apparently, there are more than one fool you're playing with, you're stressing me out...

Я ворвалась в твою жизнь, и ты обалдела,

Я захотела любви, ты же не захотела,

Может я че не то говорю, ты послушай, послушай,

Я дарю тебе звезду, подари свою душу, напряги свои уши.

Мне так мечталось, чтобы люди хотели иначе,

Ммммм... Hезадача - попала сама под раздачу,

Там первый снег, даже он ни к чему, ты молчишь, а послушай,

Больше, чем циник, а ты говоришь про какую-то душу, пожалей мои уши...

Я понимаю, ни к чему разговоры,

Я не хочу с тобой ссоры, веришь, больше знаешь.

Можешь взлететь, улететь, налетаться,

Можешь уйти, либо остаться, но ты же таешь!!!

Снег... Таешь... Снееееееег!

Сорок минут пролетели, как слово "До завтра",

Снег на ботинках, во взгляде сплошная неправда,

Я так устала, чего ж ты хотела, сама-то хоть знаешь? (Hет)

Видимо, есть, что и не одного дурака ты валяешь, меня напрягаешь...

In the song "Sneg" (Snow), Zemfira uses winter imagery to convey a sense of coldness and alienation in a relationship. The lyrical heroine experiences unrequited love, bursting into the life of a person who does not reciprocate her feelings.

The first verse conveys the heroine's passion and drive, her longing for love ("I broke into your life... I wanted love"). She offers a "star" - a symbol of dreams and hope - in exchange for a soul, for genuine feelings.

The second verse reveals the heroine's disappointment. Her dreams of reciprocity are shattered, she herself "got caught in the crossfire" of indifference. Snow, a symbol of purity and renewal, is irrelevant here, it only emphasizes the coldness of the object of her affection. The phrase "More than a cynic" speaks of a deep disappointment in a person who does not believe in love and feelings.

The third verse is the heroine's attempt to save face, to leave with dignity, albeit with a heartache. She understands the futility of her efforts, but does not want a scandal ("I don't want to fight with you"). The image of snow transforms into the verb "таешь" (you melt) - a metaphor for the disappearance of feelings, the hope for reciprocity.

The final verse emphasizes the transience of the meeting and the emptiness of communication ("forty minutes flew by... in your eyes, pure lies"). The heroine is tired of this one-sided game, of indifference and lies. The final phrase "Apparently, there are things that make a fool out of more than one person" is a bitter realization that she is not the first and probably not the last victim of this person.

The entire song is permeated with the pain of unrequited love, disappointment and bitterness. The image of snow enhances the feeling of coldness and loneliness experienced by the lyrical heroine.

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