The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Weather forecaster" (Sinoptik) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

You want me to kill you too,

Just leave your photos for me.

Later, I'll buy glasses with francs,

No one will see my eyes.

It won't hurt, I promise,

But you send your regards,

Call more often from heaven about the weather.

They will be looking for me in uniform,

Even friends will forget me,

Decent doors will be closed.

What do I need these sideways glances,

I am outside the law.

I am a weatherman, I am a weatherman.

It won't hurt, I promise,

But you send your regards,

Call more often from heaven about the weather.

See how it turns out:

It's April, and there are ice rinks on the asphalt.

If you can't be God,

I will. Kill, but promise me

It won't hurt, try

I will come in a dream with rains

I will call from heaven about the weather

It won't hurt, I promise,

But you send your regards,

I will come in a dream with rains.

Хочешь, и я убью тебя,

Только оставлю фотки твои.

После, куплю за франки очки,

Видеть никто не будет глаза

Больно не будет, обещаю,

Но ты передавай приветы,

Звони чаще с неба про погоду.

Будут меня искать в погонах,

Даже друзья забудут меня,

Двери приличные закроют.

Что мне косые эти взгляды,

Я вне закона.

Я - синоптик, я - синоптик

Больно не будет, обещаю,

Но ты передавай приветы,

Звони чаще с неба про погоду

Видишь, как получается:

Апрель, а на асфальте - катки.

Если не можешь богом быть ты,

Буду я. Убей, но обещай мне

Больно не будет, постарайся

Я же приду во сне с дождями

Буду звонить с неба про погоду

Больно не будет, обещаю,

Но ты передавай приветы,

Я же приду во сне с дождями

In her song "Synoptician," Zemfira employs a series of metaphors and imagery to convey the complex emotions associated with destructive love, obsession, and the desire for complete control.

The lyrical heroine addresses the object of her passion with a chilling proposition: "If you want, I'll kill you too, just leave me your photos." This murder, however, is metaphorical. It is not about physical annihilation, but about emotional enslavement, depriving a person of their will and individuality. The heroine craves absolute power, wishing to turn her beloved into a silent photograph that she can control.

The image of "francs glasses" hiding the heroine's eyes from others emphasizes her detachment from social norms and morals. She is ready to cross the line, sacrificing her reputation and relationships with loved ones ("they will look for me in uniform," "even friends will forget me") in order to satisfy her obsession.

The words "call more often from heaven about the weather" sound ominous and hint at the irreversibility of what has been done. The heroine seems to anticipate her impunity, turning her murdered lover into a kind of messenger from the other world.

The image of the synoptician becomes key to understanding the meaning of the song. Just as a weather forecaster predicts the weather, controlling natural phenomena, so the heroine seeks to control the feelings and fate of another person. "April, and there are skating rinks on the asphalt" is a metaphor for broken harmony, the chaos that the heroine is ready to arrange, taking on the role of "god."

At the end of the song, the motif of pain and suffering takes on a double meaning. The heroine assures the victim of the immortality of their bond, which will continue even after "death": "I will come to you in a dream with rains," "I will call from heaven about the weather." This resembles a curse, a promise of eternal torment and the inability to break free from her influence.

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