The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Dawns" (Rassvetyi) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

(Verse 1):

Not a drop of nicotine

thirty minutes in

Not a word during the break

not even a whisper

Not a sigh

the cobweb might fall

Not a fear

not a love

not even a murmur




Where am I

where are you

Paper pilots

We'll cut them to pieces

(Verse 2):

Not a gram of regret

only in the eyes

No happiness

no rain

not even a reason

From the numbers of birthdays

exactly the moon

Whose clock face is running

mad from the cold




Where am I

where are you

Paper pilots

We'll cut them to pieces

(1 Куплет):

Ни капли никотина

тридцать минут

Ни слова в перерыве

даже шепота

Ни вздоха

паутина может слететь

Ни страха

ни любви

ни даже ропота




Куда я

куда ты

Бумажных пилотов

Изрежем в кусочки

(2 Куплет):

Ни грамма сожаленья

и только в глазах

Ни счастья

ни дождя

ни даже повода

От чисел дней рождений

ровно луна

Чей сходит циферблат

с ума от холода




Куда я

куда ты

Бумажных пилотов

Изрежем в кусочки

The song "Dawns" by Zemfira paints a picture of emotional emptiness and apathy. The lyrical hero is in a state of numbness, as evidenced by the repeating "neither...nor": "neither a drop of nicotine", "not a word", "not a sigh", "neither fear, nor love". The absence of bright emotions, desires ("not even a murmur") creates a feeling of hopelessness, as if life is devoid of colors and meaning.

The image of a spiderweb, which "can fly off" from any movement, emphasizes the fragility of this state, its instability. The hero seems to be balancing on the edge, risking destroying the already precarious balance.

The chorus, consisting of rhetorical questions ("Dawns, sunsets, where am I, where are you?"), intensifies the feeling of loss and uncertainty. "Paper pilots" that "we will cut into pieces" is a metaphor for unfulfilled hopes, dreams that were as easily destroyed as they were created.

The second verse continues the theme of emotional emptiness ("not a gram of regret", "neither happiness, nor rain"). Even birthdays, usually associated with joy and hope, here evoke only associations with the relentless passage of time ("From the numbers of birthdays, exactly the moon"). The image of a "clock face going crazy from the cold" creates a feeling of stopping, freezing of life.

The whole song is imbued with a feeling of hopelessness and longing. The lyrical hero seems to be lost between sunrises and sunsets, seeing neither the meaning nor the direction of his path.

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