The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Different" (Raznyie) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

My buddy loves vodka and airplanes

My friend loves candles and Anna Karenina

My little ones say that their parents

"Don't you wanna see Japan, Spain?"

Football and computers - of course, I believed them


And everyone is so different


On these very differences

This world is built

I thought and weighed it up

And I'm sad and fun

And even this song

Will find its airtime

My director is a fisherman and maybe a gamer

My neighbor is a star, by the way, folk

My head is singing but doesn't understand anything

Doesn't trust anyone, will burst soon

I will die young, free


And everyone is so different


On these very differences

This world is built

I thought and weighed it up

And I'm sad and fun

And even this song

Will find its airtime

And everyone is so... different...

And... everyone...


Мой приятель любит водку и самолёты

Знакомая любит свечи и Анну Каренину

Мои младшие говорят, что родители

"Японию, Испанию увидеть не хотите ли"

Футбол и компьютеры - я им, конечно, поверила


И все такие разные


На этих самых расностях

Построен этот мир

Подумала и взвесила

И грустно мне и весело

И даже эта песенка

Найдёт себе эфир

Мой директор - рыболов и может быть геймер

Моя соседка - звезда, между прочим, народная

Голова моя поёт, но ничего не понимает

Никому не доверяет, скоро лопнет

Умру молодая, свободная


И все такие разные


На этих самых расностях

Построен этот мир

Подумала и взвесила

И грустно мне и весело

И даже эта песенка

Найдёт себе эфир

И все такие... разные...

И... все...


In the song "Different" ("Raznye"), Zemfira describes the diversity of people and their interests, emphasizing that the world is built on this very difference.

In the verses, she gives examples of people from her environment, each with their own hobbies: a friend loves vodka and airplanes, an acquaintance loves candles and classic literature, children dream of traveling, and the lyrical heroine herself prefers football and computers. The director enjoys fishing and, possibly, gaming, the neighbor is a famous person, and the inner world of the heroine, metaphorically described as the "head," is in turmoil and distrust.

The chorus of the song is a refrain that is repeated throughout the piece. In it, Zemfira concludes that despite their differences, all people are divided into "happy" and "unhappy," and it is this very difference, this versatility of human destinies, that forms the basis of the universe. She admits that thinking about the diversity of the world evokes mixed feelings in her - sadness and joy.

The final lines, where the word "different" is repeated with increasing intonation, once again emphasize the main idea of the song: the world is beautiful in its diversity, and each person is unique.

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