The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Buried." (Pohoronila) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

I buried you, late at night across the river.

The moon cried and laughed, driven mad with grief.

I laid you in the ground, my gaze lingering long.

I picked you some rowan berries and lay down obediently beside you

To sleep…

In the morning seagulls came and ate all your eyelashes.

I threw stones at them - disgusting birds.

Don’t scream, I beg you, your cries suffocate me.

I will tear out my heart for you, I don’t need it anymore.

Я тебя похоронила, поздно ночью за рекою.

Месяц плакал и смеялся, обезумевший от горя.

Положила тебя в землю, проводила долгим взглядом.

Нарвала тебе рябины и легла послушно рядом


Утром прилетели чайки, съели все твои ресницы.

Я кидала в них камнями - отвратительные птицы.

Не кричите, умоляю, мне от ваших криков душно.

Я вам вырву свое сердце, мне оно уже не нужно.

Zemfira's poem "Buried the Author" is a metaphorical work filled with deep sorrow and despair. Despite the direct reference to a funeral, the text should not be interpreted literally. Most likely, the "author" here symbolizes something very important to the lyrical heroine, perhaps:

Love: Feelings that have died, leaving behind emptiness and pain. "The moon cried and laughed, driven mad with grief" – this line conveys the contradictory emotions of the heroine experiencing loss. "Laid you in the ground" – an image of saying goodbye to the past, to what can no longer be returned.

Creativity: Perhaps the author is talking about a creative crisis, a loss of inspiration. "Funeral" in this case symbolizes the inability to create something new, a feeling of emptiness. "I picked you some rowan" - a gesture of farewell, the hope that the rowan, a symbol of sadness and at the same time rebirth, will help to survive the loss.

Part of herself: The "author" can be a metaphor for a part of the heroine's personality that she is forced to bury. It can be illusions, dreams, former beliefs - everything that had to be abandoned. "I will tear out my heart for you, I don't need it anymore" is a cry from the soul, expressing the unbearable pain of loss and the desire to get rid of suffering.

The image of seagulls eating the "author's" eyelashes reinforces the feeling of the irreversibility of what happened. The lyrical heroine is left alone with her pain, and her cry "Don't shout, I beg you, I'm suffocating from your cries" sounds like a plea for peace and solitude.

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