The meaning of the lyrics of the song "P.M.M.L." (P.M.M.L) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

The sea will hug, will bury in the sands,

The fishermen will cast their lines,

They'll catch our souls in nets,

Forgive me, my love.

It's late. It's too late to think about anything,

You need air, I feel it,

We're lying in such a huge puddle,

Forgive me, my love.

Jeans soaked up the water and clung to us,

It seems we're really stuck,

It seems the sun has gone out,

Forgive me, my love.

Quiet. Can't hear the clocks or seagulls,

We obediently turn off our hearts,

And you're in the sand, as if in bronze,

Forgive me, my love.

(Instrumental break)

Forgive me, my love

Forgive me, my love

Море обнимет, закопает в пески,

Закинут рыболовы лески,

Поймают в сети наши души,

Прости меня, моя любовь.

Поздно. О чем-то думать слишком поздно,

Тебе, я чую, нужен воздух,

Лежим в такой огромной луже,

Прости меня, моя любовь

Джинсы воды набрали и прилипли,

Мне кажется, мы крепко влипли,

Мне кажется, потухло солнце,

Прости меня, моя любовь

Тихо. Не слышно ни часов, ни чаек,

Послушно сердце выключаем,

И ты в песке, как будто в бронзе,

Прости меня, моя любовь


Прости меня, моя любовь

Прости меня, моя любовь

The lyrics of Zemfira's song "P.M.M.L." are imbued with an atmosphere of hopelessness and tragedy. The lyrical heroine bids farewell to her beloved, realizing that their relationship is doomed.

The image of the sea, with which the song begins, is multifaceted. On the one hand, the sea is associated with something endless, all-consuming, which will "embrace" and "bury in the sands". This is a metaphor for irreversibility, the inevitability of the end. On the other hand, the sea is an element full of dangers, where "fishermen... will catch our souls in nets". Here one can trace the motif of loss of control, the inability to resist fate.

The feeling of hopelessness intensifies with each line. The heroine realizes that it is "too late," that "you, I feel, need air," and they are "lying in such a huge puddle." The image of a puddle, in contrast to the boundless sea, emphasizes the suffocating atmosphere, constraint, lack of prospects.

The metaphor "jeans have collected water and stuck" conveys a feeling of heaviness, sticky hopelessness, from which there is no way out. The "extinguished sun" is a symbol of fading feelings, lost hope.

In the finale of the song, time seems to stop: "quiet", "neither clocks nor seagulls can be heard." The heroine says goodbye to her beloved, "turning off" her own heart, likening it to a mechanism that can be stopped. The beloved, "in the sand, as if in bronze", is a frozen, lifeless image.

The repeated phrase "forgive me, my love" is not just a request for forgiveness. This is a cry from the soul, a recognition of one's own impotence in the face of fate, the last tribute to faded love.

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