The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sensations" (Oschuscheniya) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

I promised myself,

Gazing from under the tiles, five drops.

Behind the calendar sheet

My courage was hiding, and how it sang.


I have to fly,

Fly farther than anyone.

Even in my sleep

Believe in parallels and revelations.


Fly higher than anyone.

Falling hurts more,

But what sensations.

Holes, the film is worn to holes.

And even their own don't save - it's a sham.

Smoke, the monitor is smoke again.

And the dawn breathes into the back of my head, and I hear.


I have to fly,

Fly farther than anyone.

Even in my sleep

Believe in parallels and revelations.


Fly farther than anyone.

Falling hurts more,

But what sensations.

From left to right - on the table

A raven of long-distance bills waits and sees.

Behind the calendar sheet

My courage was hiding, and how it sang...


'Cause I have to fly,

Fly farther than anyone.

Even in my sleep

Believe in parallels and revelations.


Fly higher than anyone.

Falling hurts more,

But what sensations.

Я обещала себе,

Гладя взглядом из под кафель, пять капель.

За календарным листом

Затаилась моя смелость, а как пелось.


Мне же лететь,

Лететь дальше всех.

Даже во сне

Верить в параллели и откровенья.


Лететь выше всех.

Падать больнее,

Но зато какие ощущения.

Дыр, пленки стерты до дыр.

И не спасают свои даже- лажа.

Дым, монитор снова дым.

И мне в затылок рассвет дышит, а я слышу.


Мне же лететь,

Лететь дальше всех.

Даже во сне

Верить в параллели и откровения.


Лететь дальше всех.

Падать больнее,

Но зато какие ощущения.

Слева направо - столе

Ждет и видит счетов ворох- межгород.

За календарным листом

Затаилась моя смелость, а как пелось...


Ведь мне же лететь,

Лететь дальше всех.

Даже во сне

Верить в параллели и откровения.


Лететь выше всех.

Падать больнее,

Но зато какие ощущения.

In the song "Ochuscheniya" (Sensations), Zemfira conveys a thirst for life, a desire to reach new heights, even if it involves risk and pain. The lyrical heroine is in a state of languor and anticipation ("I promised myself... Behind the calendar sheet, my courage is hidden"). She seeks to break free from routine ("Holes, films worn to holes"), overcome obstacles ("And even their own don't save - a bummer"), and experience the fullness of life.

The image of flight is key to the song. It symbolizes freedom, striving for a dream, going beyond the ordinary. The heroine is ready to fly "farther than anyone", "higher than anyone", despite the fact that the fall will be "more painful". This willingness to sacrifice for the sake of vivid experiences is the main idea of the song. Zemfira glorifies the thirst for life in all its manifestations, urging us not to be afraid to take risks and follow our dreams.

The details ("looking with a glance from under the tile, five drops", "smoke, the monitor is smoke again", "a heap of bills - long distance") create an atmosphere of expectation, tension, emphasizing the heroine's desire to break out of the routine. The repetition of the chorus enhances the emotional intensity, emphasizing the strength of her desire for a fulfilling life.

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