The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Song" (Pesnya) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Time kills me, I kill time.

I'm everything, you're still in the loop.

We are everything in this world,

We are everyone in this world.

The proud - yes, the weak - no.

The song writes me, I write the song,

I'm everything, we're still together,

We'll be together, probably,

We love, however, probably.

The proud - no, the weak - yes.


People don't know how to fly, they hardly need it,

It's also alien to me, by the way,

But there's air in unraveled thoughts

And stars in open windows,

The proud - yes, the weak - yes.

Время убивает меня, я убиваю время.

Я всё, ты всё ещё в теме.

Мы всё, что есть в этом мире,

Мы все, кто есть в этом мире.

Гордые - да, слабые - нет.

Песня сочиняет меня, я сочиняю песню,

Я все, мы все еще вместе,

Мы будем вместе, наверное,

Мы любим, впрочем, наверное.

Гордые - нет, слабые - да.


Люди не умеют летать, им это вряд ли нужно,

Мне тоже, в общем-то, чуждо,

Но в распутанных мыслях воздух

И в распахнутых окнах звезды,

Гордые - да, слабые - да

In the song "Song of the Author," Zemfira creates an image of a dialogue with herself, with the creative process, and possibly with the world as a whole.

Contradictory relationship with time: The phrase "Time kills me, I kill time" reflects a dual perception of time. On the one hand, time moves inexorably forward, taking away youth, opportunities, bringing us closer to death. On the other hand, a person manages their own time, filling it with deeds, creativity, living it.

Creative unity: "The song writes me, I write the song" – here we see the idea of the inextricable link between the creator and their creation. The creative process is reciprocal: the author puts themselves, their thoughts and feelings into it, and the creation, in turn, shapes the author, changes their views, helps them to know themselves more deeply.

Desire for unity and uncertainty: "We are everything that exists in this world, we are everyone who exists in this world" – these lines express a desire for universal unity, for the dissolution of boundaries between people. However, in the following lines there is uncertainty: "We will be together, probably, we love, by the way, probably." This "probably" leaves room for doubt, uncertainty, emphasizing the complexity of human relationships.

Reassessment of values: It is interesting to observe the transformation of the attitude towards pride and weakness. At the beginning of the song, pride is perceived as a positive quality ("The proud - yes"), and weakness as a negative one ("The weak - no"). At the end, there is a reassessment: pride no longer seems so important ("The proud - no"), and weakness, perhaps, is perceived as an integral part of human nature ("The weak - yes").

Metaphor of flight: The image of flight ("People can't fly...But in unraveled thoughts there is air...") symbolizes freedom of thought, the ability to break out of the framework of the familiar, the routine. "Unraveled thoughts" is a metaphor for a clear mind, free from prejudices and limitations, capable of flights of fancy.

Openness to the world: "Open windows" is a symbol of openness to the world, a willingness to accept the new, the unknown. The stars in the windows are a metaphor for the unattainable, the dream to which a person aspires.

In general, "Song of the Author" is a philosophical reflection on time, creativity, human nature, the desire for unity, and the search for one's place in the world.

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