The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Firecrackers" (Petardyi) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

And explode firecrackers,

And fray the nerves raw.

Killed a piece of willow,

In the window of someone else's attic.

I am no romantic,

Heights frighten me,

And this cat-and-mouse game

Will drive anyone crazy.

I am home again,

She flies in circles,

From a terrible ailment,

Where I will die without a word.


How long can we go on, impossible,

Not for real, the day after tomorrow

It will be too late, it will be boring.

We'll be late,

We're flying, forty flights,

Burns rails in between.

I know, I'm allowed,

After so many impossible...

Under a fluorescent lamp

Hands and nails burned,

Elbows bit lips,

And turned into vampires.

And at night it was stuffy,

And someone was crying upstairs.

Tied a piece of willow,

Probably unnecessary.

And it was interesting,

Not tired of flying.

She came down a little

And everything fell into place.


How long can we go on, impossible,

Not for real, the day after tomorrow

It will be too late, it will be boring.

We'll be late,

We're flying, forty flights,

Burns rails in between.

I know, I'm allowed,

After so many impossible...

И разорвет петарды,

И потревожит нервы.

Убил кусочек вербы,

В окне чужой мансарды.

Я никакой романтик,

Меня пугают вышки,

А эти кошки-мышки

С ума сведут любого.

Я снова дома,

Она летит по кругу,

От страшного недуга,

Где я замру и ни слова слова.


Сколько можно, невозможных,

В не взаправду, послезавтра

Будет поздно, будет скучно.


Долетаем, сорок рейсов,

В перерывах шпалит рельсы.

Я-то знаю, мне-то можно,

После стольких невозможных...

Под люминисцентной лампой

Горели руки-ногти,

Кусали губы локти,

И превращались в вампов.

И ночью было душно

И кто-то плакал сверху.

Завял кусочек вербы,

Наверное, ненужный.

И было интересно,

Летать не надоело.

Она слегка слетела

И стало все на место.


Сколько можно, невозможных,

В не взаправду, послезавтра

Будет поздно, будет скучно.


Долетаем, сорок рейсов,

В перерывах шпалит рельсы.

Я-то знаю, мне-то можно,

После стольких невозможных...

Zemfira's song "Petardy" (Firecrackers) is full of metaphors and images that create an atmosphere of anxiety, uncertainty, and inner conflict.

Destruction and chaos:

"And firecrackers will tear, And disturb the nerves": Firecrackers symbolize a destructive force that disrupts the usual course of things and causes anxiety.

"Killed a piece of willow...": Willow, a symbol of spring and renewal, is destroyed, which may indicate a loss of hope and faith in the future.

"In the window of someone else's attic": A stranger's space emphasizes the feeling of alienation and loneliness of the lyrical hero.

Internal conflict:

"I'm not a romantic... I'm afraid of heights": The hero denies any romantic impulses, confessing to a fear of heights, perhaps a metaphor for risk and the unknown.

"And this cat-and-mouse game Will drive anyone crazy": Relationships full of uncertainty and ambiguity are exhausting and emotionally draining.

Searching for a way out:

"I'm home again... She's flying in circles": The hero strives for stability and peace ("home"), but "she," possibly the personification of his thoughts or feelings, is fixated on the problem ("flying in circles").

"From a terrible ailment, Where I will freeze and not a word": A feeling of hopelessness and inability to change the situation ("freeze and not a word").


"How long can we go on, with impossibles, Not for real, the day after tomorrow It will be too late, it will be boring": Tiredness of unrealized opportunities, postponing life for later ("the day after tomorrow").

"We'll be late, We're flying, forty flights": An image of an endless race, vanity, which does not bring satisfaction.

"Burns down the rails in between": Destruction of the usual way of life, the desire to break out of the routine.

"I know, I'm allowed, After so many impossibles": Confidence in one's own righteousness, perhaps a desire to justify one's actions.

Images and symbols:

Fluorescent lamp: Creates a cold, lifeless atmosphere.

Burning hands-nails, Biting lips-elbows: Manifestation of strong emotions, possibly despair and impotence.

Turning into vampires: Transformation into something dark and mysterious, reflecting the hero's inner state.

Someone was crying upstairs: Another's grief, which only intensifies the feeling of hopelessness.


"And it was interesting, Not tired of flying. She flew off a little And everything fell into place": Perhaps a hint of liberation from oppressive thoughts or feelings, finding peace.

The song leaves a feeling of understatement, each listener can interpret the images and metaphors in their own way.

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