The meaning of the lyrics of the song "To hang oneself. Important Note: This phrase refers to suicide by hanging. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. You can find resources at the end of t" (Povesitsya) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

A wounded heart weighs heavier

I try to warm myself - I drink and don't get drunk

I beg you - bring me back

Who will allow you or won't allow you

What are you afraid of - God or pain

I will forgive you, bring me back


I want to hang myself

A lamppost, rope, ladder

To forget...

Two bloody months

So many minutes and victims

I will hang, be silent and love

I talk to someone and hear nothing

I'm hoarse and burning, I love and hate

I beg you - bring me back

People and weeks float by

And I'm not bad to you, but I'm tired of you

I forgive you, bring me back


I want to hang myself

A lamppost, rope, ladder

To forget...

Two bloody months

So many minutes and victims

I will hang, be silent...

Раненое сердце весит тяжелее

Пробую согреться - пью и не пьянею

Я прошу - верни меня

Кто тебе позволит или не позволит

Чего же ты боишься - Бога или боли

Я прощу, верни меня


Я хочу повеситься

Фонарь, верёвка, лестница


Два кровавых месяца

Столько мин и пострадавших

Буду висеть, молчать и любить

С кем-то говорю и ничего не слышу

Охрипла и горю, люблю и ненавижу

Я прошу - верни меня

Мимо проплывают люди и недели

И я неплохо к вам, но вы мне надоели

Я прощу, верни меня


Я хочу повеситься

Фонарь, верёвка, лестница


Два кровавых месяца

Столько мин и пострадавших

Буду висеть, молчать...

The lyrics of Zemfira's song "Povesit'sya" ("To Hang Myself") are a metaphor for the profound emotional pain and despair of the lyrical heroine caused by unhappy love.

"A wounded heart weighs heavier" is a figurative comparison of heartache to a physical burden. The heroine feels so depressed that this burden seems unbearable to her.

She tries to find solace in alcohol ("I try to warm myself - I drink and don't get drunk"), but it brings no relief. The only thing she wants is to return to the object of her love, begging him: "I ask - bring me back."

The lines "Who will allow you or will not allow you / What are you afraid of - God or pain" express the heroine's despair and anger. She doesn't understand what's stopping her lover from coming back and accuses him of cowardice.

The chorus of the song is the culmination of despair. "I want to hang myself" is, of course, not a call to action, but a hyperbolic expression of mental pain bordering on death. The images of "lantern, rope, stairs" enhance the feeling of hopelessness.

"Two bloody months" is a metaphor for time that stretches on agonizingly long, every moment of which is filled with suffering. "So many minutes and victims" is another indication of the magnitude of the pain the heroine is experiencing.

The following verses describe a state of emotional emptiness: "I talk to someone and hear nothing / I'm hoarse and burning, I love and hate." The heroine has lost interest in the outside world, she is fixated on her pain.

The final lines "People and weeks float by / And I'm not bad to you, but I'm tired of you" speak of the apathy and alienation that increasingly engulf the heroine.

The repetition of the chorus at the end of the song emphasizes the hopelessness of the situation. "I will hang, silent..." is an image of the final immersion in her grief, a refusal to fight.

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