The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Why" (Pochemu) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

You were knocking on the open door,

I was silent, as if dead.

We were deceived, the same heat is outside.

Our hands tanned to a dark shade,

We are tired of these weird sounds.

We wandered around the city from night till morning.

I'm suffocating from tenderness,

From your - my freshness,

I remember all your cracks,

I sing your - my songs.

But why?

A lot of tea, an open window.

And I'm bored, I'm forgotten.

I watched the month fade into the moon,

They knocked on the open door,

And I'm sad. Yes, I'm broken.

Don't be silly, I didn't declare war.

I'm suffocating from tenderness,

From your - my freshness,

I remember all your cracks,

I sing your - my songs.

But why?!

But why?!

But why?

Ты стучала в дверь открытую,

Я молчала, как убитая.

Обманули, на улице та же жара.

Загорели руки в темное,

Надоели звуки стремные.

Прошатались по городу ночь до утра

Я задыхаюсь от нежности,

От твоей - моей свежести,

Я помню все твои трещинки,

Пою твои - мои песенки.

Ну почему?

Много чаю, окно открытое.

А я скучаю, я забытая.

Просмотрела, как месяц линяет в луну

Постучали в дверь открытую,

А я в печали. Да, я разбитая.

Не тупите, я не объявляла войну

Я задыхаюсь от нежности,

От твоей - моей свежести,

Я помню все твои трещинки,

Пою твои - мои песенки.

Ну почему?!

Ну почему?!

Ну почему?

The lyrics of Zemfira's song "Why" tell the story of the complex and contradictory feelings of the lyrical heroine towards the addressee, whom she addresses as "you".

In the first verse, the heroine appears passive, depressed ("I was silent as if I were dead"). The image of "knocking on an open door" may symbolize the addressee's persistent attempts to reach the heroine, who, nevertheless, remains deaf to them.

The second verse is a flash of memories of time spent together: night walks, "tanned hands," shared songs. There is a feeling of tenderness and closeness, nostalgia for the past.

The chorus "Why?" sounds like a rhetorical question, expressing the heroine's lack of understanding of the reasons for the discord in the relationship.

The third verse takes us to the present, where the heroine feels lonely and forgotten ("I'm bored, I'm forgotten"). She watches the passage of time ("like the moon waning"), which emphasizes her melancholy. The motif of "knocking on an open door" is repeated, but now the heroine finds herself in the role of the one who knocks, while the addressee remains indifferent.

The final repetition of the chorus "Why?!" with an increase in emotional coloring emphasizes the heroine's despair and inability to come to terms with the situation.

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