The meaning of the lyrics of the song "R" the performer of the song "Zemfira"

The wind will desperately blow off hats,

Angrily fix fringes, it knows best!

I'm here, and I'll be with you forever

Your deadly poison,

Your last glance.

(Instrumental break)

The sky will give me runways,

Take away the magic voice, it knows best!

I'm here, and I'll be with you forever

Your deadly poison,

Your last glance.

Ветер отчаянно сдует шапки,

Сердито поправит челки, ему видней!

Я - здесь, и я буду вечно рядом

Твоим смертельным ядом,

Твоим последним взглядом.


Небо подарит мне взлетных полос,

Отнимет волшебный голос, ему видней!

Я - здесь, и я буду вечно рядом

Твоим смертельным ядом,

Твоим последним взглядом.

Zemfira's song "P" tells a poignant story of all-consuming and destructive love, where the lyrical heroine is ready to be near the object of her passion, no matter what.

The wind and the sky act as metaphorical images of fate, which can be both favorable ("will give runways to take off") and cruel ("will blow off hats", "will take away the magic voice"). However, despite the strong-willed decisions of fate ("it knows better"), the heroine is adamant in her choice: "I am here, and I will be forever by your side".

This closeness borders on self-destruction. The heroine compares herself to "deadly poison" and "the last glance". "Deadly poison" can be interpreted as a symbol of painful, destructive passion that can destroy both lovers. "The last glance" hints at the tragic ending of the relationship, possibly even the death of one of the characters.

The repetition of the phrase "I am here, and I will be forever by your side" emphasizes the unconditionality of the heroine's decision and the willingness to accept any consequences of her love.

Thus, the song "P" is a hymn to unconditional love, readiness for self-sacrifice and acceptance of any, even the most difficult consequences.

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