The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Let's leave it at that." (Tak i ostavim) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Cry, I won't answer

It's too cold in this apartment

In these minutes the sky is falling

Let's leave it like that

Pain is useful because

It makes you move on

I wish I had your thoughts

I'd have my songs, just imagine


Even though you didn't happen

I don't regret it, I'm getting used to it

Fish and snakes, how many of them will there be

In this novel

Sadness and cigarettes

What could be better, better than this

I'm on the couch, the sky in my pocket

Let's leave it like that...

Плачь, я не откликнусь

В этой квартире холодно слишком

В эти минуты падает небо

Так и оставим

Боль тем и полезна

Что заставляет двигаться дальше

Мне б твои мысли

Я б свои песни, просто представим


Пусть ты не случился

Я не жалею, я привыкаю

Рыбы и змеи, сколько их будет

В этом романе

Грусть и сигареты

Что может лучше, лучше чем это

Я на диване, небо в кармане

Так и оставим...

The meaning of Zemfira's song "Tak i ostavim" ("Let it be") lies in accepting a difficult situation, finding peace and even serenity within oneself, despite the pain and disappointment.

The theme of parting:

The lyrics are filled with an atmosphere of melancholy and sadness associated with separation ("Cry, I won't answer," "Even if you didn't happen"). The lyrical heroine is going through a breakup but is not trying to get back what was lost.

The images of a "cold apartment" and a "falling sky" heighten the feeling of loneliness and hopelessness.

The phrase "Tak i ostavim" ("Let it be") is repeated twice, emphasizing the heroine's decision not to fight the inevitable, to accept the situation as it is, and move on.

Philosophical reflection:

Pain, although it causes suffering, is seen as a stimulus for development ("Pain is useful because it makes you move on").

The heroine finds solace in creativity ("If only I had your thoughts, I would write my songs, just imagine"), which helps her to get through a difficult period.

The images of "fish and snakes" can be interpreted as symbols of trials and obstacles that await the heroine in the future.

Despite the difficulties, the lyrical heroine finds moments of simple happiness in everyday things ("Sadness and cigarettes, what could be better, better than this").

The image of the sky:

The "falling sky" at the beginning of the song may symbolize the collapse of hopes and plans.

At the end of the song, "the sky in my pocket" is a metaphor for inner freedom and the ability to find support within oneself.

"Tak i ostavim" is a song about acceptance, about finding inner balance in a world full of pain and uncertainty. Zemfira shows that even in the most difficult moments, one can find the strength to live on.

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