The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The flame doesn't die out." (Ne gasnet ogonyok) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

As soon as the sun dips below the horizon, as soon as the wind falls silent in our grove,

I'll walk down the street and sing a song - Sasha performed it with Zhemchuzhnye.

How it smells of that spring! It's all that's left: my cherished dream - freedom.

The leaves rustle; I can't believe I'm here again - What luck! - warm weather.

For I am walking to you. The light won't die out: with my eyes closed, I'll find my way to you.

But how will you endure such a long time! Well, never mind, you'll get used to it little by little.

And do you remember how I used to run to you as a boy? You were reading Pushkin in the park,

And poetry seemed like a dream to me then, and how I, a mere boy, believed in you!

You're near, it will be like this forever, it seemed to me, but the nightingales fell silent in our grove.

I sing a song in this silence, Sasha performed it with Zhemchuzhnye.

And let it sound, let it sing and shed tears, and it's true - how can one live without faith!

And I lived in my soul with hope, year after year, and with faith, Sash, how can one live without faith?

Как только солнце скроется за горизонт, как только ветер стихнет в роще нашей,

По улице пройду и напою музон - с Жемчужными его исполнил Саша.

Как пахнет той весною! Это всё, что есть: желанная моя мечта - свобода.

Листва шуршит; не верится, что снова здесь - Как подфартило! - тёплая погода.

Ведь я иду к тебе. Не гаснет огонёк: глаза закрыв, найду к тебе дорогу.

Вот только как ты встретишь очень долгий срок! Ну, ничего, привыкнешь понемногу.

А помнишь, как к тебе я бегал пацаном? Ты томик Пушкина читала в сквере,

И мне тогда поэзия казалась сном и как же я в тебя, мальчишка, верил!

Ты рядом, будет вечно так, казалось мне, но соловьи замолкли в роще нашей.

Я напеваю песню в этой тишине с жемчужными её исполнил Саша.

И пусть она звучит, поёт и слёзы льёт и правда это - как без веры тошно!

А я в душе с надеждой жил за годом год и с верой, Саш, без веры разве можно?

In the song "The Light Doesn't Fade," Mikhail Krug tells a story of a lyrical hero separated from his beloved. The lyrics are filled with longing for the past, yet they are not devoid of hope for the future.

From the very first lines, an atmosphere of freedom is palpable, contrasting with the hero's situation. The evening, the sunset, the quiet rustling of leaves – all this creates a picture of peace. The hero enjoys the moment as he goes to his beloved: "For I am going to you. The light doesn't fade: with my eyes closed, I will find my way to you."

However, the joy is overshadowed by uncertainty and a long separation. The phrase "But how will you face a very long term!" makes it clear that his beloved is imprisoned, and the hero can only hope for her strength and patience.

Further, immersing himself in memories, the hero returns to the past, where they were happy. Youthful love, Pushkin's poetry, the singing of nightingales – all this symbolizes the carefreeness and purity of their feelings.

But the reality is cruel: "the nightingales have fallen silent," and the hero is surrounded only by silence, broken by the song he hums with Alexander (most likely referring to chanson performer Alexander Dyumin). This song becomes a kind of symbol of their shared pain and longing.

Despite the difficulties, the hero does not lose faith in the best. He believes in the power of love and hopes for a reunion: "And I lived in my soul with hope year after year, and with faith, Sasha, how can one live without faith?" This phrase is a kind of anthem to loyalty, love, and hope that help the hero overcome any trials.

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