The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Mouse" (Myischka) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

So little silence graces my home,

My sadness fed on songs till full.

And jays, those bouncing dreams, they roam,

Ready to fly from my open palm.


You're just a mouse, a fleeting shade,

A humdrum yesterday, now played.

A shawl that vanished round the bend,

And oh, how sad, how sad, my friend.

Such unobtrusive pain I hold,

As cold as emeralds, green and old.

Already passed, yet in its way,

As sweet as on that very first day.

Как мало в моём доме тишины, и досыта наелась песен грусть.

А сойки-попрыгуньи - это сны, готовые с ладони упорхнуть.


Ты просто мышка, ты просто тень, ты прожитый вчерашний будний день,

Мелькнувшая за поворотом шаль, а жаль, как жаль...

Какая ненавязчивая боль, холодная, как изумруды глаз,

Прошедшая уже сама собой и сладкая, как будто в первый раз.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Myshka" ("Little Mouse"), the lyrical hero reflects on lost love, on the fleeting nature of happiness. The image of the "little mouse" is a metaphor for this love, which, like a small, timid creature, darted into his life, bringing joy and warmth, but disappeared just as quickly and imperceptibly.

From the very first lines, one feels a poignant longing: "How little silence there is in my house, and sadness has eaten its fill of songs". The hero seems to be drowning in the silence of an empty house, where every song only intensifies his grief. "Jumping jays" are dreams full of memories of the past, which, like timid birds, elude him, preventing him from holding onto moments of happiness.

The chorus of the song is a direct address to the departed beloved. "You are just a little mouse, you are just a shadow, you are yesterday's ordinary day that has passed." These words are filled with tenderness mixed with the bitterness of loss. Love is likened to something ephemeral, elusive – "a shawl that flashed around the corner". And the final "oh, what a pity..." is like a sigh of regret that it all ended so quickly.

The comparison of the pain of parting with "cold emeralds of eyes" gives the song a special poignancy. This pain is no longer acute, but rather aching, constant. It has become a part of his life, just like eye color is an integral part of one's appearance. And yet, in this pain, there is a place for light sadness, for sweet memories of what was "as if for the first time".

Thus, the song "Myshka" is a touching story about love, loss, and memory that remains even when everything else is gone.

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