The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Monologue of a Schizophrenic" (Monolog schizofrenika) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I'm schizophrenic, laws don't apply to me. I don't work, but I eat and I drink.

From everyone who feeds me, I squeeze out the juices, I spit in the face of whoever I want.

Yes, I'm crazy, I tremble and cry, I have a document to prove it.

I'm registered in Burashevo at the 'dacha' – I'm just a simple Burashevo client.

You ask me the time – you get it in the ear, what do I care about these working people?

After all, my neighbor, a drunkard from Kalinin, hasn't left the hospital in three years.

They don't judge me: I'm a fool, and that's that, even if you bash my head in.

And I've always spat on any kind of work, because I'm a fool, I'm a schizo, not an ox.

I get failing grades in the first school, but we have a professor, a real brain.

He knows everything about everyone and how much, to add three to seven and subtract two.

They take care of us, they pity and cherish us, they give us 'white tickets'.

And if one of us kicks the bucket, new fools will come to replace us.

Я шизофреник, мне законы — боком. Я не работаю, но ем и пью.

Из всех, кто кормит, выжимаю соки, кому хочу, тому в лицо плюю.

Да, я помешан, я трясусь и плачу, есть у меня на это документ.

Прописан я в Бурашеве на "даче" — ведь я простой бурашевский клиент.

Спросили время — получите в ухо, да что мне этот трудовой народ?

Ведь мой сосед, калининский синюха, с больницы не вылазит третий год.

Меня не судят: я дурак, и всё тут, хоть на моей башке тешите кол.

И я плевал на всякую работу, ведь я дурак, я шизик, а не вол.

Я в первой школе получаю двойки, но есть у нас профессор-голова.

Он точно знает всё про всех и сколько, прибавить три к семи и вычесть два.

Нас берегут, жалеют и лелеют, нам "белые билеты" выдают.

А если кто из нас и околеет, на смену снова дураки придут.

Mikhail Krug's song "Monologue of a Schizophrenic" does not directly depict the illness. The lyrical hero uses the diagnosis of "schizophrenia" as a metaphor for his position outside of society and its rules.

The text is built on shocking imagery and hyperbole, ridiculing the hypocrisy of society. The hero flaunts his vices – laziness, parasitism, aggression, contempt for work. He does not hide the fact that he uses his diagnosis as a shield from responsibility and social expectations. The "document" becomes his indulgence, allowing him to exist outside the system.

The image of a "Burashevo client" (a reference to a psychiatric hospital) enhances the feeling of alienation and hostility. The hero contrasts himself with the "working people," ridiculing their values and way of life.

However, the song does not romanticize the image of the "noble madman." On the contrary, the hero is shown to be cynical and selfish. His "schizophrenia" is not a manifestation of genius but a way to justify his own failure.

The finale of the song sounds with bitter irony. The hero realizes that he is part of a system that "protects" and "cherishes" people like him. "White tickets" are not only an exemption from the army but also from life in society, from the need to be a full-fledged human being.

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