The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My God" (Moy Bog) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

A chord, strings barely trembling on the guitar, the piano falls silent, the flute, cut short

You played me a song, all on your own, about how I didn't know you before, and I regret it.

You are the rain that soaked the wanderer to the bone. You are the sun that warmed him right after,

Paganini's string on the violin. You are the mead that intoxicates so quickly.


Madame, without you, the decor is meager. Madame, Paris doesn't have enough space for you.

Madame, you are so insanely beautiful. Madame, you are far from Russia.

You are a dream from which I cannot wake, you are a rose in the exquisite Parisian style,

You are a captivity from which I cannot return, you are the wind, so long-awaited in the calm.

I am yours, I kiss your hands tenderly. And my lips touch your silky skin.

Paris. Children draw you on the asphalt. Mon cher, you look so much like a queen.


Madame, without you, the decor is meager. Madame, Paris doesn't have enough space for you.

Madame, you are so insanely beautiful. Madame, you are far from Russia.

Madame, without you, the decor is meager. Madame, Paris doesn't have enough space for you.

Madame, you are so insanely beautiful. My God, you are far from Russia.

Аккорд, еле струны дрожат на гитаре молчит фортепиано, оборвана флейта

Вы песню мне сами собой наиграли о том, что я раньше не знал вас, жалею.

Вы - дождь, промочивший бродягу до ниток. Вы - солнце, которое тут же согрело,

Струна у Паганини на скрипке. Вы - мед, от которого быстро пьянеют.


Мадам, без вас убого убранство. Мадам, вам мало в Париже пространства.

Мадам, вы так безумно красивы. Мадам, вы далеко от России.

Вы - сон, от которого мне не проснуться, вы - роза в парижском изысканном стиле,

Вы - плен, из которого мне не вернуться, вы - ветер, такой долгожданный при штиле.

Я ваш, ваши руки я нежно целую. И губы касаются шелковой кожи.

Париж. Hа асфальте вас дети рисуют. Мон шер, как вы на королеву похожи.


Мадам, без вас убого убранство. Мадам, вам мало в Париже пространства.

Мадам, вы так безумно красивы. Мадам, вы далеко от России.

Мадам, без вас убого убранство. Мадам, вам мало в Париже пространства.

Мадам, вы так безумно красивы. Мой Бог, вы далеко от России.

In Mikhail Krug's song "My God," the lyrical hero experiences a whirlwind of emotions caused by an encounter with a woman he calls "Madame." This address immediately refers us to the image of a sophisticated, inaccessible beauty, perhaps living in a world of luxury and grace.

The hero is struck by her beauty and charm, comparing her to the most beautiful things: the rain that washes away his fatigue, the warming sun, the enchanting music of Paganini, the intoxicating honey. He feels that he has found something incredible, something he lacked, something he was not even aware of before.

The image of "Madame" is shrouded in an aura of mystery and romance. Paris, mentioned in the song, enhances this impression by creating an atmosphere of sophistication and love. The hero is captivated by this woman, he dreams of her, he longs to be near her, to kiss her hands, to touch her skin. He sees her as a queen, elevating her above himself and emphasizing his submission to her charms.

However, there is also a note of sadness in the text, which becomes especially noticeable in the last line, where "Madame" turns into "My God." This transformation indicates the inaccessibility of the beloved, that she is "far from Russia", perhaps not only geographically, but also spiritually. The hero feels that this love may be tragic, unrequited, but cannot resist his feelings.

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