The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My dear city" (Milyiy moy gorod) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

My dear city of sorrow and tears, old Russia's reliable stronghold, you are falling asleep to the whisper of the Tvertsa and the Volga.

You are falling asleep to the whisper of the birches, sleep, my dear mother-Tver, and it is still so far, so long until morning.


May this evening be like an eternity, let the noise of Millionnaya Street fall silent.

You have appointments under the clock, so walk, my Tver people.

The courtyard of Proletarka, barracks, 'Paris', somewhere a cab driver is driving there around the corner, taking drunken gypsies home, yes, with a song.

Why are you sleeping, dear girl? You will have interesting dreams later, we are going with the gypsies, it is even more interesting with them.

Милый мой город печали и слёз, старой России надёжная твердь, ты засыпаешь под шёпот Тверцы и Волги.

Ты засыпаешь под шёпот берёз, спи, моя добрая матушка-Тверь, и до утра ещё так далеко, так долго.


Пусть этот вечер будет как вечность, шум Миллионной пусть помолчит.

Вам под часами назначены встречи, значит гуляйте, мои тверичи.

Двор Пролетарки, казармы, "Париж", где-то ямщик едет там за углом пьяных цыган развозя по домам, да с песней.

Что же ты, милая девочка, спишь? Сны интересные будут потом, едем с цыганами, с ними ещё интересней.

In his song "My Dear City," Mikhail Krug expresses his deep love and affection for his hometown of Tver. Using metaphors and imagery, he paints a nostalgic portrait of the city, imbued with both light sadness and tender care.

The very first lines, "My dear city of sorrow and tears, the reliable stronghold of old Russia," set the emotional tone of the song. Tver is presented as a place with a rich history, preserving the memory of past joys and sorrows ("sorrows and tears"). The image of "old Russia" refers to traditional values and ways of life that remain unshakable amidst change. The city's peaceful sleep to the "whisper of the Tvertsa and Volga" and the "whisper of birches" creates an atmosphere of peace and security. The author addresses Tver as a "kind mother," emphasizing the warmth and sincerity of his feelings.

The chorus expresses the desire to prolong the moment of peace and serenity: "May this evening be like an eternity, let the noise of Millionnaya Street fall silent." Millionnaya Street is the central street of Tver, a symbol of the city's hustle and bustle, which recedes for a while, giving way to the silence of the evening. Krug addresses the "people of Tver," urging them to enjoy this time and spend it with loved ones.

The second verse introduces notes of social realism into the song. "The courtyard of Proletarka, barracks, 'Paris'" is a list of iconic places in the city, reflecting different sides of its life: the working class, its military past, a romanticized corner ("Paris"). The image of a drunken coachman carrying gypsies adds color and folk elements to the picture. The sudden address to a "dear girl" and the offer to "go with the gypsies" introduce an element of adventurism and freedom, contrasting it with the routine of everyday life.

Overall, the song "My Dear City" is a lyrical declaration of love for Tver, imbued with nostalgia, tenderness, and subtle sadness. Mikhail Krug uses simple but expressive imagery to convey the atmosphere of the city and his feelings for it.

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