The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Madam" the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

On a cold, wet evening, I saw you beneath the archway,

As I rode down Ligovka with a friend in a carriage.

We needed luck for our affair, I was ready to bluff,

I shuffled the deck of cards, and you palmed the Queen of Clubs.

You said you were alone, and tears streamed down your cheeks,

Unhappy and hungry, they'd framed you for Masha's deeds.

And I said, "Come with us!" Madame, Madame...


Padabadabadabadam, Madame! Padabadabadabadam, Madame!

How Ilya sewed you an outfit, taking your measurements ten times over,

And Aunt Pesya saying, "He secretly chased after you!"

But when you entered our place, shining with gold rings,

Paris paled in comparison, ah, Ilya Goldman - what a lad!

You said, "Grand merci!" and we clapped our hands,

And I asked you then, "Do you know how much we spent?"

And you replied, "I'll pay it all back!" Madame, Madame...

Холодным, мокрым вечерком тебя под аркой увидал,

Когда по Лиговке с дружком я на пролётке проезжал.

Нам был для дела нужен фарт, я был уже готов на блеф,

Я тасовал колоду карт, а ты сфартила даму треф.

Ты говорила, что одна, и слёзы по щекам текли, несчастлива и голодна, тебя за Машку подвели,

А я сказал: "Поедем к нам!" Мадам, мадам...


Падабадабадабадам, Мадам! Падабадабадабадам, Мадам!

Как Иля шил тебе прикид и мерку десять раз снимал,

А тётя Песя говорит: "Он втихаха потом гонял!"

Зато когда ты к нам вошла, сияя золотом колец,

Париж померк не при делах, ах, Иля Гольдман - молодец!

Ты говорила: "Гран мерси!" а мы в ладоши хлопали, и я тогда тебя спросил: "А знаешь, сколько вбухали?"

А ты в ответ: "Я всё отдам!" Мадам, мадам...

In Mikhail Krug's song "Madam," we hear a story about a chance encounter between the lyrical hero and a girl named Madam in a seedy district of St. Petersburg - Ligovka. The hero, perhaps a con man ("we needed luck for our business"), sees Madam as an opportunity for profit ("you drew the queen of clubs").

Madam presents herself as a miserable victim of deception ("they took you for Masha"), lonely and hungry. The hero, playing on her feelings, offers her help ("Come with us!").

Further on, the song describes how Madam, presumably, starts working in a brothel. They sew expensive outfits for her ("Ilya was sewing you an outfit"), she attracts wealthy clients ("shining with gold rings"). The hero and his accomplices rejoice in their luck ("we clapped our hands"), feeling nothing for Madam but cynical calculation.

The image of Madam is contradictory: on the one hand, she evokes sympathy as a victim of circumstances, on the other hand, she appears as a calculating and cynical woman who is ready for anything for the sake of money ("I will give everything back!").

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