The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Summer day" (Letniy den) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

It was a fine summer day, the shade was saving us from the sun, suddenly this girl sways by, her bust is amazing.

I was speechless, got up from the tram, and Lyokha from the edge suddenly fell, Andryukha shouted in fright: 'Cops!'

Usually I brazenly come up to introduce myself, put my hand on their waist, and then with a guilty look check their documents.

But this time I slowed down, took her hand, looked into her eyes. Cupid's arrow hit me straight in the heart.

My mouth went dry, I forgot the words, my eyes fixed on her chest. Then sheepishly invited her to a bar.

She chirped: 'Let me go', said: 'I have to go', took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from my forehead.

And everything was gone, she left, and I stand there idly, watching the sun pierce through the safari of her figure.

I saw her handkerchief lying in the grass at my feet, I understood this as a sign that I got to her.

I realized, I got to her. And Cupid hit the bullseye. I realized, tonight there will be lambada and wine.

But fate, she will not understand, decided to arrest me, I ended up at the "casino" on Gagarin Street.

Tverskaya prison "casino".

She must have waited, been disappointed and left, or maybe she spent the whole night with him, kissing and laughing.

Some dandy probably put his hand on her chest, and finally, for a price, changed her suit.

Some dandy probably put his hand on her chest, and finally, for a price, changed her suit.

Стоял погожий летний день от солнца нас спасала тень вдруг эта гёрл хиляет с бюстом на ура.

Я онемел, с трамвая встал, а Лёха с краю вдруг упал, Андрюха с перепугу крикнул: "Мусора!"

Обычно я по-хамски лез знакомлюсь, руку под разрез, и виновато документы проверял.

А тут спустил на тормозах, за руку взял, смотрю в глаза. Амур стрелою прямо в сердце мне попал.

Сушит во рту, слова забыл, взгляд на груди остановил. Потом стыдливо пригласил её в кабак.

Она чирикнула: "Пусти", сказала: "Мне пора идти", платок достала, пот мне вытерла со лба.

И всё как не было, пошла, а я стою не при делах, смотрю, как солнце сквозь сафари точит стан.

Я увидал и моих ног в траве лежит её платок, я понял это знак, что я её достал.

Я понял, я её достал. И центровой Амур попал. Я понял, вечером ламбада и вино.

Но вот судьба, ей не понять, меня взялась арестовать, я на Гагарина приехал в "казино".

Тверская тюрьма "казино".

Она, наверное, ждала перегорела и ушла, а может с ней всю ночь, целуясь и смеясь.

Какой-нибудь педальный конь к груди примеривал ладонь, и напоследок по цене сменил ей масть.

Какой-нибудь педальный конь к груди примеривал ладонь, и напоследок по цене сменил ей масть.

This song by Mikhail Krug, "Summer Day", tells the story of the lyrical hero's sudden infatuation with a stranger he sees on a tram. Usually self-confident and even cocky when dealing with girls, the hero is lost in front of the beauty of the "girl with the bust".

The image of the girl is given deliberately simply, even vulgarly: "girl with the bust", "chirped", "took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat off my forehead". This manner of presentation is typical of chanson and creates the image of a simple guy from the people, not prone to beautiful words.

Despite his embarrassment, the hero finds the strength to meet the girl, invites her to a pub. But she is in a hurry and refuses him. The hero perceives a chance find - the girl's handkerchief - as a sign of fate, a symbol of a possible future meeting ("I understood this is a sign that I got her").

However, fate decides otherwise: the hero is arrested ("they came to arrest me") and he ends up in a prison on Gagarin Street, which is popularly nicknamed "casino". The ending of the song remains open: it is not known whether the heroes will meet.

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