The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Red Pockets 2" (Krasnyie karmanyi-2) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Lizka's husband came home, furious, drunk, fists clenched, attacked me right away.

I made for the window, but too late - the ficus was in the way, oh, troublesome ficus, oh, my joy!

Crazy night, the husband's no better, yelling: 'I'll kill you!' — swinging an axe,

Screaming such things — shameful even to listen; can't reason with a fool.

Cursing the ficus, I'm running in circles, 'I'm a plumber!' — I shout to my husband.

'Show me your ID! What were you doing in bed?' — believe me, I've never run so fast.

I'm a champion runner, around the table from my husband with an axe,

I shout: 'I'm a locksmith, a postman, a baker, an insurance agent, the new building manager!'

Муж приехал Лизкин, очень рассердился, сразу с кулаками, пьяный, навалился,

Я в окно, да поздно — фикус стал преградой, ой, бедовый фикус, ой, моя отрада!

Шальная ночь, супруг не лучше, вопит: "Убью!" — махает топором,

Орёт такое — стыдно даже слушать; никак нельзя поладить с дураком.

Фикус проклиная, я бегу по кругу, "Я — водопроводчик!" — я кричу супругу.

"Покажи бумагу! Что в кровати делал?" — никогда, поверьте, быстро так не бегал.

Я — чемпион по бе -, по бегу, вокруг стола от мужа с топором,

Ору: "Я слесарь, почтальон я, пекарь, я страхагент, я новый управдом!"

The song "Red Pockets-2" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of a comical quarrel between spouses, where the wife, Liza, is trying to escape from her drunk and aggressive husband. The text is full of grotesque and irony, ridiculing everyday absurdity and stereotypical behavior.

Liza's husband, returning home drunk, starts a scandal and tries to beat his wife. Liza tries to escape through the window, but she is prevented by a ficus - a symbol of home comfort, which in this situation turns into an obstacle. The phrase "oh, this unfortunate ficus, oh, my joy!" is filled with bitter irony, showing how quickly the familiar world can become hostile.

The husband threatens Liza with an ax, his speech is full of insults and incoherent accusations. Liza, fleeing around the table, shouts ridiculous excuses, posing either as a plumber, a postman, a baker, or an insurance agent. This scene is a caricature of a family drama, where the absurdity of what is happening is emphasized by the absurdity of excuses and the grotesqueness of the image of a husband with an ax.

The song does not give an answer to how this story ended, but the ending is easy to predict - such quarrels are most likely not uncommon in this family. The main purpose of the song is not to dramatize the situation, but to show the absurdity of domestic violence, to make fun of stereotypes of behavior and to emphasize the tragicomedy of such situations.

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