The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Tattoo artist" (Kolschik) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Tattoo artist, ink me domes, next to them a miraculous cross with icons,

So bells would chime there, with modulations and reverberations.

Tattoo me a small house by the stream, let it flow by the will, in a thin streamlet.

So that the tailor-judge wouldn't fence me off with bars.

Draw a crimson sunset, a rose behind barbed rusty wire.

The line: 'Mama, I'm not guilty!' tattoo it, and let them try to erase it.

If there's space left - draw a boat, with sails full of wind.

I'll sail away, wolves, here you go... So they'd remember me forever.

And peace came upon my soul, like tranquility. To see mother - is my only desire.

Tattoo a cross, so I could take with me salvation, but not repentance.

Don't judge me, Mama, I only lived by what I knew - that you're waiting for me.

I know you cry in the evenings and see dreams where I'm still very small,

sneaking up to you and covering your eyes with my palms.

You purposely ask: 'Father? Tanyushka?' I laugh: 'No-no, you didn't guess!' Say hi to Dad and Tanya.

The money in the envelope wouldn't reach you, the bitches would take it all, but I'll come back to spite them, because you're waiting for me!

Кольщик, наколи мне купола, рядом чудотворный крест с иконами,

Чтоб играли там колокола с переливами и перезвонами.

Наколи мне домик у ручья, пусть течёт по воле струйкой тонкою.

Чтобы от него портной судья не отгородил меня решёткою.

Нарисуй алеющий закат, розу за колючей ржавой проволокой.

Строчку: "Мама, я не виноват!" наколи, и пусть стереть попробуют.

Если места хватит - нарисуй лодку, с парусами ветра полными.

Уплыву, волки, вот вам... Чтобы навсегда меня запомнили.

И легло на душу, как покой. Встретить мать - одно моё желание.

Крест коли, чтоб я забрал с собой избавление, но не покаяние.

Не осуждай меня, мама, я ведь только тем и жил, что знал - ты меня ждёшь.

Я знаю, ты плачешь вечерами и видишь сны, где я совсем ещё маленький,

подкрадываюсь к тебе и закрываю твои глаза ладошками.

Ты нарочно говоришь: "Отец? Татьянка?" Я смеюсь: "Нет-нет, не угадала!". Отцу с Танюхой привет.

Деньги в конверте не шли, суки всё вынут, но я же назло им вернусь, потому что ты меня ждёшь!

In Mikhail Krug's song "The Tattoo Artist", the lyrical hero, being imprisoned, orders a tattoo. But this is not just a body decoration, it's a deeply symbolic story about his life, pain, and hope.

The domes, the cross, the icons, the bells are not just religious symbols, but a longing for freedom, purity, and redemption. The hero doesn't ask for forgiveness; he craves deliverance from the burden of his mistakes. The house by the stream is a symbol of simple happiness, a peaceful life that the lyrical hero is deprived of. The bars are a metaphor for the prison that separates him from this happiness, from the "tailor of fate."

The crimson sunset and the rose behind barbed wire represent beauty and hope breaking through pain and hardship. The line "Mama, I'm not guilty!" is a cry from the soul, a desire to justify himself before the dearest person. The image of a boat with sails embodies the striving for freedom, the desire to break free from captivity and leave the past behind.

Meeting his mother is the hero's main desire. He believes in her love and waits for her. The cross on his chest is not repentance, but a talisman, a reminder of his mother's love and the hope of returning.

The final lines of the song are a poignant confession of love for his mother. The hero feels her pain, her tears, her faith in him. He knows that he is being waited for, and this faith gives him the strength to live and fight. The image of a little boy covering his mother's eyes is a touching note in this story, a symbol of the tenderness and love that remain in the past.

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