The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Klava is lilac." (Klava - siren) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Hello, Klava, greetings from Kamchatka I send to you, again I'm writing you, dear friend, a letter.

My life in the distance is unenviable, not sweet, and my face is hardened from the wind and rain.

I want to speak frankly with you, we need to finally bring clarity to the matter.

If your feelings for me are unchanged, then you must draw a line under them.

There's a poison preventing us from living happily together: your husband, that filthy trash, nicknamed Lilac.

Go ahead and deal with him smartly, Klava; my set of wrenches is hidden in the firewood in the shed.

In short, Klava, come on, stop with the whining, stop pulling that string - tear the unnecessary thread.

It hinders us, just snap out of it, so, Klava, take a risk for the sake of our love.

Здравствуй, Клава, привет шлю тебе я с Камчатки, вновь пишу я тебе, милый друг, письмецо.

Жизнь моя вдалеке незавидна, несладка, и от ветра с дождём задубело лицо.

Я с тобою хочу говорить откровенно, нужно нам, наконец, ясность в дело внести.

Если чувства твои все ко мне неизменны, то под ними должна ты черту подвести.

Нам мешает с тобой жить счастливо отрава: муж твой, мусор поганый, по кличке Сирень.

Ты давай, разберись с ним по-умному, Клава; там в сарае в дровах мой припрятан кистей.

В общем, Клава, давай, разгребай эти сопли, что волынку тянуть - нить ненужную рви,

Нам мешает она, ну хоть тресни и лопни, так что, Клава, рискуй ради нашей любви.

The song "Klava - Lilac" by Mikhail Krug presents a love triangle narrated in the genre of humorous criminal chanson. The lyrical hero, being far away from his beloved Klava, writes her a letter full of passion and determination. He is tired of the uncertainty in their relationship and demands clarity from Klava.

The hero sees Klava's husband, contemptuously called "filthy trash" nicknamed Lilac, as the main obstacle to their happiness. The suggestion to "deal with" the husband using the chisels hidden in the shed sounds threatening. However, considering the ironic tone of the song, it can be assumed that this is rather a hyperbole designed to emphasize the seriousness of the hero's intentions.

The image of "Lilac" is not accidental. On the one hand, lilac is associated with spring, love, romance. On the other hand, lilac is a shrub that is easy to uproot, which hints at the seeming simplicity of solving the problem from the hero's perspective.

In the finale, the hero calls on Klava to take decisive action, to cast aside doubts and "break the unnecessary thread" that connects her with her husband. He is ready to take risks for their love and expects the same decisive step from Klava.

The song "Klava - Lilac" is a story about passion, jealousy and the thirst for possession, told with the humor and irony characteristic of Mikhail Krug's work.

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