The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Embers in the fireplace" (Iskryi v kamine) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Sparks in the fireplace glow like rubies, and fly away as blue smoke.

From young, blossoming, youthful, I became gloomy, sick, and gray.

What should we do, since youth is wasted, what should we do? Where should we go?

No, I cannot share my grief with you, gray-eyed one, from this vicious anguish.

It's better we go our separate ways, you will find your happiness in dances,

And I will go down that well-trodden path, where you will never, never find me...

And I will go down that well-trodden path, where you will never, never find me...

Maybe in life you will meet a companion, you will love him stronger than you love me,

But do not extinguish the fire in my heart, and do not ignite a new flame in it.

Sparks in the fireplace glow like rubies, and fly away as blue smoke.

Only as a villainess, in my old age, did intoxicating love creep into my sick heart...

Only as a villainess, in my old age, did intoxicating love creep into my sick heart...

Искры в камине горят, как рубины, и улетают дымком голубым.

Из молодого, цветущего, юного стал я угрюмым, больным и седым.

Что же нам делать, коль юность растрачена, что же нам делать? Куда нам пойти?

Нет, не могу я с тобой, сероглазая, горем делится от злостной тоски.

Лучше пойдём мы дорогами разными, счастье своё ты на танцах найдёшь,

Я же пойду той тропинкой протоптанной, где ты меня никогда, никогда не найдёшь...

Я же пойду той тропинкой протоптанной, где ты меня никогда, никогда не найдёшь...

Может быть, в жизни ты встретишь товарища, крепче полюбишь, чем любишь меня,

Не затушить в моём сердце пожарища и не залить в моём сердце огня.

Искры в камине горят, как рубины, и улетают дымком голубым.

Только злодейкой под старость подкралася к сердцу больному хмельная любовь...

Только злодейкой под старость подкралася к сердцу больному хмельная любовь...

In Mikhail Krug's song "Sparks in the Fireplace," the lyrical hero experiences deep sadness and disappointment, most likely caused by unhappy love. The image of sparks burning in the fireplace symbolizes the fading youth and hopes of the hero. He compares them to rubies, emphasizing the value and transience of the years lived. The blue smoke carrying away the sparks is a metaphor for time irrevocably gone.

The hero feels aged not so much physically as mentally. "From young, blossoming, youthful, I became gloomy, sick, and gray-haired," he sings, showing how strongly the experiences affected him. The questions "What should we do, since youth is wasted, what should we do? Where should we go?" convey confusion and the loss of life's direction.

Addressing the "gray-eyed," the hero makes it clear that he cannot share his pain with her. The reason, most likely, is that she became the source of his suffering. He suggests they go their separate ways: she will find her happiness in frivolous dances, and he will follow the "beaten path" - the path of loneliness and suffering.

Despite the bitterness, the hero wishes her to find someone who will love her more. However, he is sure that the flame of his love for her will never die out. The last lines of the song "Only as a villain in old age did intoxicating love sneak up on my sick heart" are the most enigmatic. Perhaps he blames love for his troubles, calling it a "villain" that came to him at the wrong time.

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