The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hello" (Zdravstvuy) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Like a brook that murmurs in the spring: hello,

Like the grass that whispers to you: hello.

The forest rustles all around: hello,

My distant, sweet dream: hello.


The rain was falling, snow was swirling, twenty years have passed since then,

You haven't forgotten me...

The rain was falling, snow was swirling, twenty years have passed since then,

You haven't forgotten me...

It was so long ago, the wine has grown stronger,

Let not all dreams come true, I see a dream and it's you...

Как весной ручей журчит: здравствуй, как трава тебе шуршит: здравствуй.

Лес шумит со всех сторон: здравствуй, мой далёкий, сладкий сон: здравствуй.


Дождик шёл, снег кружил, двадцать лет прошло с тех пор, ты меня не позабыл…

Дождик шёл, снег кружил, двадцать лет прошло с тех пор, ты меня не позабыл…

Это было так давно, крепче сделалось вино,

Пусть не сбылись все мечты, вижу сон и это ты…

In Mikhail Krug's song "Zdravstvuy" ("Hello"), the lyrical hero addresses a long-gone love, a past that has left a deep mark on his soul.

The opening lines create an atmosphere of bright sadness and nostalgia. Nature awakening in spring becomes a symbol of renewal, but at the same time, it reminds us that time moves inexorably forward: "Like a spring stream murmurs: hello, like the grass whispers to you: hello." The greeting "hello" is addressed not only to nature but also to memories, to feelings that the hero is trying to revive in his soul.

"The forest rustles from all sides: hello, my distant, sweet dream: hello." - here the past appears as an unattainable dream, a "distant, sweet dream." The hero seems to be plunging into his memories, seeking solace and peace in them.

The chorus of the song "Rain was falling, snow was swirling, twenty years have passed since then, you have not forgotten me…" emphasizes the passage of time and the immutability of the hero's feelings. Twenty years is a long time, but love, albeit unrequited, has remained in his heart.

The final lines "It was so long ago, the wine has become stronger, though not all dreams have come true, I see a dream and it is you…" suggest that time may not have healed the wounds, but it has made the feelings deeper and stronger, like aged wine. Despite the fact that dreams of a future together did not come true, the image of his beloved continues to live in the hero's heart, appearing to him in dreams.

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