The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A ruble too late." (Zapozdalyiy rubl) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Smokha’s an idiot, no doubt about it. He threw a party for his engagement,

But spent the whole night painting the town red with some floozy. In the morning, his mom bursts in – what a racket! He's screwed...

His future mother-in-law saunters in: “Hello, my dear son-in-law, here I am!”

October rustled its leaves outside, Smokha melted before such audacity!

He told her: “Get your sorry ass back home, your daughter, pardon my French, is yesterday’s news.

She’s been around the block so many times, half of Tver are your sons-in-law!”

“No, my dear, no my love, you’re wrong, you said it yourself yesterday with such a smug face,

That you loved no one but Lelka, and besides, you never paid a dime!”

There are as many fools as mothers-in-law, sticking their noses into love affairs,

So, it's better not to tempt your fate, if you play the field for free, so be it!

Smokha got his wires crossed and fell ill, tried to save a buck, but got played like a fiddle.

He lay there, legs sprawled, like a corpse, clutching a single, pathetic, torn ruble in his hand...

Что у Смохи чан без толка - спору нет. Он по поводу помолвки дал банкет,

До утра с какой-то шлюхой прокутил, утром в дверь маманя - шухер! Всё, приплыл...

Его будущая тёща расплылась: "Здравствуй, милый мой зятёчек, я ж пришла!"

На дворе листвой октябрь шелестел, от такой нахальной бабы Смоха млел!

Он сказал ей: "Берегите свой ништэ, ваша дочка, извините, не свежак.

Ведь как пупкарь секла в личину, да у тебя пол-Твери, что есть мужчины - все зятья!"

"Нет родной мой, нет любимый, ты ж не прав, ты ж сказал с довольной миной сам вчера,

Никого, мол, кроме Лельки, не любил, и, к тому же, ни копейки не платил!"

Сколько тёщ у нас в народе - столько дур, что язык чесать выходят здесь лямур,

Так что лучше своё счастье не губи, если ходишь и не платишь - так люби!

Смоха в раз рамсы попутал и занемог, сэкономил, да вот утку сбил стрелок.

Он лежал, раскинув ноги, словно труп, сжав в руке своей убогий рваный рубь...

Mikhail Krug's song "The Belated Ruble" ridicules the greed and hypocrisy of the main character, Smokha.

From the outset, the author paints a picture of a careless and irresponsible man. Smokha throws a lavish party to celebrate his engagement, but instead of spending the night with his fiancée, he disappears with another woman, squandering money that was likely intended for starting a family.

The appearance of the enraged future mother-in-law the next morning marks the beginning of the denouement of this simple story. Her words "Hello, my dear son-in-law, I've arrived!" are saturated with sarcasm and reproach. Despite the scandal, Smokha does not lose his composure and with astonishing audacity announces the breakup of the engagement. He accuses his fiancée of infidelity, claiming that half the men in Tver are her lovers.

The culmination comes in the sarcastic response of the future mother-in-law. She reminds Smokha of his false declarations of love and, most importantly, his stinginess. It turns out that he did not spend a penny on his bride.

In this situation, the author generalizes the images of the future mother-in-law and Smokha, highlighting typical representatives of society. He ironically remarks: "There are as many fools among mothers-in-law as there are people," hinting at the stereotypical perception of the mother-in-law as a quarrelsome and greedy woman. At the same time, he criticizes men like Smokha who seek relationships without commitment, love, or financial investment.

The ending of the song is tragicomic. Smokha, in an attempt to save money on everything, finds himself in an unenviable position. He falls ill, probably due to his frivolous behavior, and, lying on his deathbed, clutches his "belated ruble" - a symbol of his pettiness and life mistakes.

Thus, the song "The Belated Ruble" is a satirical reflection of the vices of society, where greed, hypocrisy and irresponsibility lead to sad consequences. Mikhail Krug in his song urges listeners to think about true values, reminding them that everything in this life has to be paid for.

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