The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Marriage" (Jenitba) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I asked my wife, "Honey, give me three rubles for a hangover cure", but she just gave me the cold shoulder.

I fell down and lay on the floor, and my wife went, "Boo-hoo-hoo".

Back in the day, I lived life to the fullest, drinking and working, knowing only work and women.

But now, every payday means a scandal. I come home and collapse.

Oh, guys, don't get married before you're thirty.

Marriage is poison, you're better off alone.

Before marriage, I used to lie on my side, but after I got hitched – scandal, by God!

Bring more money, a whole truckload, and just try asking a question – you'll get punched in the nose.

I used to live a good life: bought a motorcycle, rode it everywhere,

Walked around drunk, loved girls, never felt down.

Oh, guys, where do these witches disguised as wives come from?

It's such a drag, a real nightmare.

I turned on the TV – football's on – and stepped on my wife's dress.

It would have been fine, but my wife starts yelling like a crazy woman:

"You don't bring home any money, just smoke and drink, sit around all day watching TV.

You could at least go shake out the rug. Why did you bring that kitten home?

Who's calling you at night? Your buddies are always making noise under the window, you're drunk again, looking for a fight, I see?"

I stood up, took my wife, and kissed her.

Less than two minutes passed before my young wife calmed down, ran off, and brought me some wine.

She looked at me affectionately, the sly little thing. How did I manage to please her so much?

I simply spent a whole week, exhausted from work, sleeping like the dead.

Your wife will be happy and kind if you're affectionate with her.

But it's still much better to be alone, with your friends, it's more reliable that way.

Я спросил у жены, вот те на: "Дай трояк на похмел", — ну, стена.

Я упал и лежал на полу, а жена на меня: "Бу-бу-бу".

А вот раньше жил, попивал-выпивал, знал лишь работу да баб,

Ну, а теперь, как получка — скандал, только пришёл — и упал.

Ой, ребятишки, жениться не надо до тридцати никому.

Эта женитьба — такая отрава, да лучше пожить одному.

Я до свадьбы лежал на боку, а женился — скандал, ей-богу:

Денег больше неси, целый воз, а попробуй спроси — стукнут в нос.

Вот раньше жил: мотоцикл купил, ездил туда и сюда,

Пьяный ходил, девок любил, не унывал никогда.

Ой, ребятишки, берутся откуда ведьмы в обличье жены?

Это такая плохая зануда, да это кошмарные сны.

Телевизор включил — там футбол — и жене наступил на подол.

Так бы всё ничего, но жена завопит, как дура:

"В дом не несёшь, только куришь да пьёшь, днями сидишь, телевизор глядишь.

Хоть бы сходил да потряс наш ковёр. Ну, для чего ты котёнка припёр?

Что за звонки у тебя по ночам? Вечно дружки под окошком бурчат, выпил, опять, видно, хочешь скандал?"

Встал я, жену взял и поцеловал.

Тут не проходит и пары минут, как молодая жена остепенилась, забегала тут и принесла мне вина.

Ласково смотрит лукавой милашкой. Да чем же я так угодил?

Просто неделю, с работы уставший, спал как убитый без сил.

Будет жена и довольной и доброй, если ты ласковый с ней.

Но одному всё ж намного удобней, вместе с друзьями, верней.

Mikhail Krug's song "Wedding" is a humorous sketch on the topic of married life, where a man longingly recalls his bachelor freedom. The lyrical hero humorously complains about the limitations that marriage has imposed on him.

Already at the beginning of the song, he ironically describes the situation where his wife refuses him money for a hangover. This is followed by comparisons with a carefree life before marriage, filled with work, partying, and girls. In his eyes, marriage is a "poison" that deprives him of his former freedom.

The exaggerated images of a "witch in the guise of a wife" and the comparison of his wife to "nightmares" enhance the comic effect, showing how much the hero exaggerates his "suffering."

The culmination is the scene of a quarrel over football and "night calls", which, however, ends in reconciliation. The ending of the song is ambiguous: the hero admits that "affection" is the key to family happiness, but immediately adds that "it is still much more convenient alone."

Thus, the song "Wedding" is not so much a criticism of family life as an ironic look at the changes it brings to the life of a man accustomed to freedom and independence.

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