The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Kind, silly, old." (Dobraya, glupaya, davnyaya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

It's strange, but still, it seems to me that youth has burnt out, the first sign - that I began to think soberly about life.

Thoughtless snow is spinning, light, fluffy, and white, I won't be able to shout loudly to you across the street.

Even follies and madness are forgotten forever, I can no longer even remember our love.

I only remember the flowers by the house and the window wide open, and streams flowing along the roads from the summer thunderstorm.

It's strange, but now it seems like a bitter loss, only the thread that connected me with you forever is broken.

How did we part ways then, but I still believe in this kind, tender, silly, old pain.

I can no longer sing you our songs so easily and read you my first, very bad poems,

But it seems to me that if one day I wake up at dawn and see you, you will forgive me all these sins.

I don't know when I will have to meet you and see fear in your once cheerful eyes.

And to your "well, hello, how are you?" I won't be able to answer you, I'm sorry, but I can't address you informally anymore.

I can't, this, by the way, frees me from a lot and from all explanations that are no longer necessary to anyone.

How much time has passed, fifteen years, and you are still the same, why did we break up with you? I just can't understand.

And yet - why?

Как ни странно, но все же, по-моему, юность сгорела первый признак - что трезво о жизни я стал рассуждать.

Кружит снег незадумчивый, легкий, пушистый и белый я тебе не смогу на всю улицу громко кричать.

Даже глупости и сумасбродства навеки забыты, я уже не смогу даже вспомнить о нашей любви.

Помню только у дома цветы и окно приоткрыто, и от летней грозы по дорогам струятся ручьи.

Как ни странно, сейчас это кажется горькой потерей, только порвана нить, что навеки связала с тобой.

Как же мы расставались тогда, но я все-таки верю в эту добрую, нежную, глупую, давнюю боль.

Я уже не смогу так легко петь тебе наши песни и читать свои первые, очень плохие стихи,

Но мне кажется, если однажды проснусь на рассвете и увижу тебя, ты простишь мне все эти грехи.

Я не знаю, когда мне придется тебя все же встретить и увидеть в глазах твоих, прежде веселых, испуг.

И на Ваше "ну, здравствуй, как жизнь?" не смогу Вам ответить извините, но только на ты я уже не смогу.

Не смогу, это впрочем, от многого освобождает и от всех объяснений не нужных уже никому.

Сколько время прошло, лет пятнадцать, а Вы все такая почему же мы с Вами расстались? Никак не пойму.

И все же - почему?

In Mikhail Krug's song "Kind, Silly, Old," the lyrical hero reflects on his departed youth and first love. The lyrics are filled with nostalgia and a light sadness for those times when feelings were naive and ardent, and life seemed simpler.

The first lines set the tone for the whole piece: the hero realizes that his youth is gone, and a sign of this is his sober outlook on life. He is no longer capable of the reckless actions that were characteristic of him before. The image of "swirling snow" symbolizes the passage of time, the irreversibility of the past.

He remembers certain moments of his first love: flowers by the house, an open window, summer rain. These images, simple and touching, awaken a poignant sadness in the hero. He perceives the separation from his beloved as a "bitter loss," a broken thread that forever connected him to the past.

Despite the years that have passed, the pain of separation has not subsided, it has remained in the hero's heart as "kind, silly, old" pain. He can no longer sing songs to her and read poetry, as he did in his youth, but the hope glimmers that they will meet again.

In the final stanzas of the song, the hero imagines this meeting. He understands that time is relentless: his beloved has changed, become a grown woman, whom he can no longer address as "you." The final lines - the rhetorical question "why did we part?" - remain unanswered, emphasizing the impossibility of bringing back the past.

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