The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Just another day." (Den kak den) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Day like any other - the foliage rustles cheerfully in the garden, for it still has time to live until autumn.

Smoke from the ashtray of smoldering cigarettes, and in my soul...

And in my soul, I don't believe it. No.

We are silent and no one knows what to say or how to say it, what everyone subtly feels within themselves.

Life has been unfair to you. And in my soul,

The bells keep ringing incessantly.

Someone is drinking, someone is holding on, but the tears cannot be held back.

Little by little, you realize how warm the word "Hello!" feels. In my soul,

But there is no answer.

On the hill, a photograph and even flowers, also cut with drops of dew, on which a bee will not land...

And in my soul, the bells keep ringing incessantly.

This song is dedicated to the guys who are no longer with us...

День как день - также весело шуршит в саду листва, ведь до осени еще ей жить и жить.

Дым из пепельницы тлевших сигарет, а в душе...

А я в душе не верю. Нет.

Мы молчим и никто не знает, что и как сказать, то, что каждый тонко чувствует в себе.

Жизнь к тебе несправедливою была. И в душе,

Не смолкая, все звенят колокола.

Кто-то пьет, кто-то крепится, но слезы не сдержать.

Помаленьку, потихоньку сознаешь как тепло от слова доброго - Привет! На душе,

Да только вот ответа нет.

На холме фотография и четные цветы, тоже срезанные с каплями росы, на которые не прилетит пчела...

А в душе, не смолкая, все звенят колокола.

Песня посвящается пацанам, которых с нами нет...

In Mikhail Krug's song "Just Another Day," a profound sadness and grief hide beneath the seeming calmness and ordinariness. The lyrical hero experiences a heavy loss, as evidenced by the lines: "Smoke from the ashtray of smoldering cigarettes, and in my soul... And in my soul, I don't believe it. No." He cannot come to terms with the loss, refusing to believe what has happened.

The atmosphere of universal grief and sorrow is conveyed through images of silence, the inability to express one's feelings in words: "We are silent, and no one knows what to say, what everyone subtly feels within themselves." The hero's life was full of injustice, and this pain, amplified by loss, is reflected in the metaphor: "The bells keep ringing incessantly."

Everyone copes with grief in their own way: "Someone drinks, someone holds on, but tears cannot be held back." In this tragic situation, even the simple word "Hello!" takes on special significance, carrying a grain of warmth and sympathy.

The image of a hill with a photograph and flowers, which "no bee will land on," symbolizes untimely departure, the irreversibility of loss. And again the motif of grief is repeated, finding no way out: "And in my soul, the bells keep ringing incessantly."

The final lines "The song is dedicated to the guys who are no longer with us..." finally dot all the "i's," confirming that the song is a requiem, a farewell to loved ones who tragically passed away.

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