The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Let's talk." (Davay pogovorim) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Come on, let's talk about you and me, afterwards, so that, somehow, to take the mistakes of our fates off our souls.

Come on, let's talk. And remember everything that was so long ago, what will never happen again.

I'm talking nonsense to you, but I'm thinking about us. And, like, I'm not looking, but I still see everything,

How you look at me. And, it seems, now you want me to sit closer to you.

Come on, let's talk. Although you and I know that all the words have long burned out in my soul,

But there is so much warmth in my memory. I remember you and I were looking eye to eye.

I thought I was old. Everything is in the past and forgotten. Can you believe it, after so many years, but every time it aches.

Here we are with you - And our youth is somewhere. I want to go back there. To where it doesn't hurt.

Come on, let's talk. No reason, no words. And we will hide from everyone our affection.

I remember word for word, as if you said to me again: 'I still love you'.

Not thinking about you is beyond my strength. Let even so many years of our destinies with you.

After all, no one loved me the way you did. It is a pity that we will have nothing.

Давай, поговорим, о нас с тобой, потом, чтоб, как-то, снять с души ошибки наших судеб.

Давай, поговорим. И, вспомним, обо всём, что было так давно, чего уже не будет.

Я чушь тебе мелю, а думаю о нас. И, вроде, не смотрю, а всё равно всё вижу,

Как смотришь ты за мной. И, кажется, сейчас ты хочешь, чтобы я подсел к тебе поближе.

Давай, поговорим. Хоть знаем я и ты, что все слова давно в душе перегорели,

Но в памяти моей так много теплоты. Я помню, мы с тобой, глаза в глаза глядели.

Я думал постарел. Всё в прошлом и забыто. Ты веришь, сколько лет, но каждый раз щемит.

Вот мы с тобою здесь - А юность наша где-то. Так хочется туда. Туда, где не болит.

Давай, поговорим. Ни повода ни слова. И скроем ото всех привязанность свою.

Я помню слово в слово, как будто ты мне снова сказала: "Я тебя по - прежнему люблю".

Не думать о тебе - мне выше моих сил. Пусть, даже, столько лет у наших с тобой судеб.

Ведь так, как ты, меня никто не полюбил. Как жаль, что ничего у нас уже не будет.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Let's Talk," the lyrical hero addresses his former lover with a proposal to talk, to "relieve our souls of the mistakes of our destinies." He proposes to plunge into memories, "to remember everything that was so long ago, what will never happen again." Although the hero understands that the past cannot be returned, and "all the words have long burned out in the soul," he still has strong feelings for her.

The "warmth" of their relationship remains in his memory, and he longingly recalls the time when they "looked into each other's eyes." The meeting with his former lover awakens in the hero painful memories of the past, of their "youth," when "there is no pain." He confesses that he still feels "affection" for her, which they are forced to hide.

The hero remembers the words of love that his beloved once spoke to him, and these words still resonate in his heart. He sadly admits that no one can replace this woman for him, and regrets that "nothing will happen between us anymore."

The song is imbued with a sense of tenderness, sadness, and regret for lost love. The hero does not harbor any illusions about resuming the relationship; he simply wants to talk in order to ease his soul a little, to share the burden of memories with his former lover.

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