The meaning of the lyrics of the song "That's all. It was yesterday." (Vot i vsyo. Eto byilo vchera) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

That’s it, it was yesterday. Our secret with you turned out to be in vain.

And the last night I didn’t sleep until morning, I said goodbye to you, saying "Hello."

That’s it, it was yesterday.

That’s it, it was yesterday. And I wish, I could have stayed for no reason.

The light is on in the hallway, the room is dim. And you're waiting, I'll come and start explaining.

That’s it, it was yesterday.

That’s it, it was yesterday. Like a sweet dream, unlike anything else.

Only a heap of ash - that's all that's left of the fire. Only rain and music on a rainy day.

That’s it, it was yesterday.

That’s it. You can't get anything back. An unfinished glass of an unloved night.

We parted with you, the rain played music. We broke up, and he doesn't want to know anything.

That’s it. You can't get anything back.

That’s it. The foliage has turned yellow. Autumn, sad autumn, I'm sorry, I regret

That the verses lie for others, all the words, like foliage in the mountain garden on the wet alleys.

That’s it. The foliage has turned yellow.

The one who was dearer to me than anything in the world and you. I can't believe it's you.

It was raining when they locked me up, and it was raining when I was released.

Two rains. Separation and meeting. That’s it.

Вот и всё. Это было вчера. Наша тайна с тобой оказалась напрасной.

И последнюю ночь я не спал до утра, я прощался с тобой, говоря тебе: "Здравствуй"

Вот и всё. Это было вчера.

Вот и всё. Это было вчера. А хотел бы, я смог без причины остаться.

Свет в прихожей горит, в комнате полумрак. А ты ждёшь, я приду и начну объясняться.

Вот и всё. Это было вчера.

Вот и всё. Это было вчера. Словно сладостный сон, ни на что непохожий.

Только ворох золы - всё, что есть от костра. Только дождик и музыка в день непогожий.

Вот и всё. Это было вчера.

Вот и всё. Ничего не вернёшь. Недопитый бокал недолюбленной ночи.

Мы расстались с тобой, играл музыку дождь. Мы расстались, а он ничего знать не хочет.

Вот и всё. Ничего не вернёшь.

Вот и всё. Пожелтела листва. Осень, грустная осень, прости, я жалею,

Что стихами лежат для других все слова, как листва в гор-саду на промокших аллеях.

Вот и всё. Пожелтела листва.

Та, которая мне была дороже всего на свете и ты. Мне не верится, что она это ты.

Шел дождь, когда меня закрыли, и шел дождь, когда я освобождался.

Два дождя. Разлука и встреча. Вот и все.

In Mikhail Krug's song "That's it. It was yesterday," the author poignantly and figuratively conveys the pain of parting with his beloved woman. Each verse is a new round of experiences, an attempt to realize and accept that it's over.

The repeating phrase "That's it. It was yesterday" is like a refrain, emphasizing the irreversibility of what happened. Yesterday there was still love, hope, but today there is only emptiness and memories. The lyrical hero says goodbye to his beloved, although his heart is still full of tenderness ("I said goodbye to you, saying to you: 'Hello'"). He is tormented by the impossibility of returning everything, by the understanding that "the light is on in the hallway" in vain - he is no longer needed there.

The image of a "sweet dream" mentioned in the third verse further enhances the tragedy of the situation. Love is likened to a dream that has melted away, leaving behind only a "heap of ashes." All that remains is "rain and music" - symbols of sadness and loneliness.

In the final of the song, the image of autumn appears - a traditional symbol of fading and farewell. The lyrical hero regrets that the most important words remained unspoken, likening them to "leaves in a mountain garden on wet alleys."

The last lines are a tear in the soul, an attempt by the hero to connect his pain from parting with his beloved woman with another difficult event in his life - imprisonment. "Two rains. Separation and meeting" is a metaphor for the beginning and end, freedom and captivity, love and loneliness.

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