The meaning of the lyrics of the song "We're drinking vodka." (Vodochku pem) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Fog in Petersburg, snow and frost in Moscow, in Tver they're dying of thirst...

All of Somenka, Ploshchad, and Yuzhny are hungover, and on Proletarka - a terrible dryness.


We pour vodka, we drink vodka, we live only on vodka.

Bochkar in his Ford pushes the pedal to the metal, probably rushing to Lazurny!

But, hungover, he drove off the bridge and into a fuel depot, and now his Ford is under repair...


We pour vodka, we drink vodka, we live only on vodka.

Hungover since morning, they poured draft beer for Mikhalych and Parik.

They drank some beer - and it's like they were reborn, not like after kefir...


We pour vodka, we drink vodka, we live only on vodka.

Туман в Петербурге, в Москве - снег и стужа, в Твери - жаждой маются так...

С похмелья вся Соменка, Площадь и Южный, и на Пролетарке - сушняк.


Водочку льём, водочку пьём, водочкой только живём.

Бочтарь на "Форде" жмёт на газ до отказа, наверно, в "Лазурный" спешит!

Да въехал с похмелья с моста в нефтебазу, а "Форд" на ремонте стоит...


Водочку льём, водочку пьём, водочкой только живём.

С похмелья с утра пиво пенное лили Михалычу и Парику.

Те пива попили - как снова родились, не то что посля кефирку...


Водочку льём, водочку пьём, водочкой только живём.

The lyrics of Mikhail Krug's song "Vodochku p'yom" (We drink vodka) depict the everyday life and customs of Russian cities' inhabitants, where excessive alcohol consumption, particularly vodka, is an integral part of life.

The author uses irony and grotesque to portray the daily routines of people suffering from hangovers and seeking to drown them with another dose of alcohol. Geographical names ("Petersburg," "Moscow," "Tver," "Somenka," "Ploshchad," "Yuzhny," "Proletarka") indicate the prevalence of this problem throughout Russia.

The image of Bochtar in a "Ford" speeding to the "Lazurny" store (presumably for alcohol) and getting into an accident serves as a metaphor for the recklessness and self-destruction that drinking leads to.

The final part of the song, where Mikhalych and Parik are given beer for a hangover, which acts on them "not like kefir," once again emphasizes the characters' dependence on alcohol.

The song does not encourage alcohol consumption but rather serves as a satirical reflection of social problems associated with alcoholism. Using hyperbole and black humor, the author draws attention to a topical issue and makes one think about the consequences of a harmful habit.

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