The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In every city..." (V kajdom gorode...) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

In every city, aspirations soar higher, in every house, tears remain unshed,

A dirty and ragged violinist took the stage in the restaurant.

Turning slowly, but eerily, he revealed his enormous eyes.

Even the prostitutes froze, all voices suddenly hushed.


Violin, I can't live without you - sing, my violin, cry.

Let the violinist violate you like a naked girl until morning.

Music, melody, a smile, whispers of love from weakened lips.

He played, and the violin didn't fall from his petrified hands.


Violin, I can't live without you - sing, my violin, cry.

Let the violinist violate you like a naked girl until morning.

I am wounded in body and soul, burying someone every day.

Maybe someone rosy-cheeked and consumptive will send a postcard on my behalf.


Violin, I

В каждом городе стремления выше, в каждом доме не доплакан плач,

На эстраду в ресторане вышел грязный и оборванный скрипач.

Повернувшись медленно, но жутко, повернул огромные глаза.

Даже пообледенели проститутки, сразу все замолкли голоса.


Cкрипка, без тебя жить не могу я - пой, ты, моя скрипка, плачь.

Пусть тебя, как девушку нагую, до утра насилует скрипач.

Музыка, мелодия, улыбка, шёпот о любви, ослабших губ.

Он играл, и не выпадала скрипка из его окаменевших рук.


Cкрипка, без тебя жить не могу я - пой, ты, моя скрипка, плачь.

Пусть тебя, как девушку нагую, до утра насилует скрипач.

Я душой и телом весь израненный, каждый день кого-то хороня.

Может кто чехоточно-румяненький передаст открытку за меня.


Cкрипка, без тебя жить не могу я - пой, ты, моя скрипка, плачь.

Пусть тебя, как девушку нагую, до утра насилует скрипач.

Пусть тебя, как девушку нагую, до утра насилует скрипач.

Mikhail Krug's song "In every city..." creates a powerful image of despair, longing, and simultaneous hope, embodied in the figure of a wandering violinist.

The opening lines: "In every city, aspirations are higher, in every house, there are tears left unshed," paint a picture of universal dissatisfaction, unfulfilled dreams, and hidden sadness common to many people.

The appearance of the violinist - "dirty and ragged" - symbolizes poverty and rejection, but his playing has incredible power. He captures the attention of everyone, even "the prostitutes, all fell silent at once." His music is piercing and tragic, like his image.

The chorus of the song, full of passion and anguish, emphasizes the lyrical hero's special attitude towards the instrument. "Violin, I can't live without you - sing, my violin, cry" - in these words one can hear a plea, despair, and a willingness to pour out all the pain of the soul through music. The image of "violence" against the violin, although harsh, conveys the intensity of emotions, the passion of performance that completely absorbs the musician.

The violinist in the song is not just a street musician, but rather a symbol of a suffering soul seeking an outlet for its feelings. His music is a cry of pain, an attempt to reach the hearts of people tired of their own problems.

The final lines about the "consumptive-ruddy" who might deliver a message add even more hopelessness. It is unclear to whom this message is addressed or whether it will reach its destination. The ending of the song leaves a heavy feeling of doom and loneliness.

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