The meaning of the lyrics of the song "White snow" (Belyiy sneg) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

And once again beautiful winter has come, fluffy snow falls again on the houses.

And this white snow reminds me of those distant days when we were together.

I remember that evening, that snow, I remember your cheerful, ringing laughter,

I remember the clear tenderness of your eyes, oh, how much I would give to be with them now.


And in that distant, farthest land, oh, how happy I was with you alone,

And now only white snow is spinning, and my heart grieves in solitude.

I will not forget those first days of love, but if only you knew how dear they are to me.

And every year, when winter comes to us, I remember you, my love.

I remember that evening, that snow, I remember your cheerful, ringing laughter,

I remember the clear tenderness of your eyes, oh, how much I would give to be with them now.


And in that distant, farthest land, oh, how happy I was with you alone,

And now only white snow is spinning, and my heart grieves in solitude.

И вот опять пришла красавица-зима, пушистый снег ложится снова на дома.

И этот белый снег напомнит мне о том, о тех далёких днях, что были мы вдвоём.

Я вспоминаю этот вечер, этот снег, я вспоминаю твой весёлый звонкий смех,

Я вспоминаю ясную нежность твоих глаз, о, сколько б отдал я, чтоб с ними быть сейчас.


И в той далёкой, самой дальней стороне, о, как я счастлив был с тобой наедине,

А вот теперь лишь белый снег кружит, и моё сердце в одиночестве грустит.

Я не забуду этих первых дней любви, но если б знал ты, как мне дороги они.

И каждый год, когда приходит к нам зима, я вспоминаю о тебе, любовь моя.

Я вспоминаю этот вечер, этот снег, я вспоминаю твой весёлый звонкий смех,

Я вспоминаю ясную нежность твоих глаз, о, сколько б отдал я, чтоб с ними быть сейчас.


И в той далёкой, самой дальней стороне, о, как я счастлив был с тобой наедине,

А вот теперь лишь белый снег кружит, и моё сердце в одиночестве грустит.

The song "White Snow" by Mikhail Krug tells a story of bittersweet nostalgia and longing for a lost love. Winter, particularly the image of white snow, acts as a powerful memory trigger, transporting the lyrical hero back to a time when he was happy with his beloved.

Snow is associated with purity and tenderness, referencing the feelings the hero had for his lost love. The descriptions of her "cheerful, ringing laughter" and "the clear tenderness of her eyes" paint a picture of a bright and joyful girl who, unfortunately, remains in the past.

The contrast between past happiness and present loneliness is emphasized through the juxtaposition of images: "we were together" and "my heart grieves in solitude." The lyrical hero doesn't complain or blame; he simply states the fact of separation with sadness, cherishing the memories of the time when he was happy.

The repeating lines of the chorus and the mention of "the farthest side" emphasize the impossibility of returning to past happiness, making the hero's experiences even more poignant.

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