The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sensors are going off the charts." (Schkalyat datchiki) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Ghetto, guru - you're taking drugs

Somewhere like a fool - you want to go around the corner


I will spend all the money on rings as a memory

I will send myself out to spend

All the prices will upset me

The phrase "there are three of us"

I'm afraid I'll never understand

And the musicians - boys

They're going off the charts

"Stones" are writing that everything will be over soon

My friend-translator is on the posters


I will spend all the money on rings as a memory

I will send myself out to spend

All the prices will upset me

The phrase "there are three of us"

I'm afraid I'll never understand

And the musicians - boys

They're going off the charts

I will spend all the money on rings as a memory

I will send myself out to spend

All the prices will upset me

The phrase "there are three of us"

I'm afraid I'll never understand

And the musicians - boys

They're going off the charts

Гетто, гуру- ты принимаешь наркотики

Где-то с дуру- хочешь за поворотики


Я истрачу все деньги на колечки на память

Я отправлю себя гулять, тратить

Все цены расстроят

Фразы "нас с тобой трое"

Мне боюсь никогда не понять

А музыканты - мальчики

Шкалят датчики

"Камни" пишут, мол скоро все закончится

На афишах подруга- переводчица


я истрачу все деньги на кулечки на память

Я отправлю себя гулять тратить

Все цены расстроят

Фраза "нас с тобой трое"

Мне боюсь никогда не понять

А музыканты - мальчики

Шкалят датчики

Я истрачу все деньги на кулечки на память

Я отправлю себя гулять тратить

Все цены расстроят

Фраза "нас с тобой трое"

Мне боюсь никогда не понять

А музыканты - мальчики

Шкалят датчики

Zemfira's song "Shkalyat datchiki" ("Sensors are going crazy") is full of allegories and metaphors, which makes its interpretation open to various understandings. Here is one possible version:

Theme: Loneliness, misunderstanding, life in the world of show business.


"Ghetto, guru - you are taking drugs": Criticism of an artificial world where people seek oblivion and meaning in illusions ("drugs"). "Guru" can symbolize authorities imposing these illusions.

"You want to go around the corner": Desire to escape from reality, to find something new and unknown.

"Rings as a keepsake": Symbol of the past, memories that the heroine is trying to preserve, despite the emptiness of the present.

"I will send myself for a walk, to spend": An attempt to fill the void with external actions: spending, entertainment.

"All prices will upset": Awareness of the falsehood and superficiality of the world, where everything has a price.

"There are three of us": Misunderstanding, inability to find a common language with others. The phrase can refer to a love relationship or a wider social circle.

"Musicians are boys, sensors are going crazy": A cynical view of the world of show business, where musicians are just "boys" playing by someone else's rules. "Sensors are going crazy" is a symbol of emotional overload, falsehood, artificiality.

"Stones are writing": A premonition of trouble, inevitability ("everything will end soon").

"Friend-translator": The image of a person who helps to navigate the world of show business, but at the same time remains a stranger.

Main idea: The heroine of the song feels lonely and lost in a world of illusion and falsehood. She tries to find meaning in the past ("rings as a keepsake"), but the present scares her with its emptiness and misunderstanding.

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