The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sage" (Schalfey) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

On a smoky morning, we skipped the long break,

Fell into the soft pile, I feel it in my gut,

There will be problems, let's use Morse code.

'Cause I have sage, and you have love for me.


But someone saw, who couldn't stay calm?

And I haven't met any heroes in this life.

It's too late...

Through the glass you look too handsome,

And somewhere it annoys me, the stops.

We've almost memorized the clothes, and girls devour with their eyes,

'Cause I have sage, and you have love for me.


But someone saw, who couldn't stay calm?

And I haven't met any heroes in this life.

It's too late...

Дымным утром, ушли с большой перемены,

Упали в мягкие ворсы, чую нутром,

Мол будут проблемы, давай на азбуке Морзе.

Ведь у меня есть шалфей, а у тебя есть ко мне любовь.


Но кто-то увидел, кому не спокойно?

И я героев не встречала в этой жизни.


Из-за стекол ты выглядишь слишком красивым,

И где-то меня раздражает, остановки.

Почти изучили одежды, и девушки взглядом съедают,

Ведь у меня есть шалфей, а у тебя есть в меня любовь.


Но кто-то увидел, кому не спокойно?

И я героев не встречала в этой жизни.


Zemfira's song "Shalfei" (Sage) tells the story of forbidden, secret love that unfolds in an atmosphere of anxiety and danger.

The first verse immerses us in the atmosphere of school routine, where the characters, "leaving after the long break", seek refuge from prying eyes. The "soft pile" hints at some intimacy, perhaps a secluded corner hidden from curious glances. The phrase "I feel it in my gut, there will be trouble" speaks of a premonition of trouble, a danger hanging over the lovers. The sentence "let's talk in Morse code" is a metaphor for a secret language, understandable only to them, a way of communicating hidden from prying ears.

The key phrase of the verse is "Because I have sage, and you have love for me." Sage here acts as a multifaceted symbol. On the one hand, it may be a reference to the narcotic effect of the plant, creating an illusion of security and euphoria. On the other hand, sage is traditionally considered a plant with protective properties, a talisman against evil. Thus, this phrase suggests that the characters cling to their love as the only protection in a world full of danger.

The chorus abruptly cuts off the idyll of the first verse. The interrogative phrase "But someone saw, who is not calm?" introduces an atmosphere of distrust and fear into the narrative. The appearance of some observer destroys the fragile world of the characters. The phrase "And I have not met heroes in this life" sounds like a bitter admission that true love, ready for a feat, is just an illusion. The word "Too late...", which concludes the chorus, is a sentence, a statement of the irreversibility of events.

The second verse continues to develop the theme of mistrust and anxiety. The image of the "too beautiful" hero behind the glass takes on an ominous connotation. He seems to be trapped, cut off from his beloved by an insurmountable barrier. The irritation at the "stops" speaks of the hero's desire to break out of the routine, from under the yoke of circumstances. The phrase "almost learned the clothes" hints at constant surveillance, that their every move is being watched. "Girls devour with their eyes" is an image of envy, jealousy, anger directed at lovers.

The repetition of the key phrase "Because I have sage, and you have love for me" in the second verse no longer sounds like a statement of fact, but like a desperate attempt to convince themselves and each other that their love is still strong.

The repetition of the chorus at the end of the song only intensifies the feeling of hopelessness. The love of the characters is powerless in the face of external circumstances. The song ends on a minor note, leaving behind a bitter aftertaste and a feeling of disturbing understatement.

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