The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Want some?" (Hochesch?) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Please, don't die!

Or I'll have to as well.

Of course, you'll go straight to heaven,

And I don't think I will.

Do you want sweet oranges?

Do you want long stories read aloud?

Do you want me to blow up all the stars

That keep you awake?

Please, just live!

You see, I live for you.

My immense love

Is more than enough for the both of us.

Do you want a sea with sails?

Do you want the newest music?

Do you want me to kill the neighbors

That keep you awake?

Do you want the sun instead of a lamp?

Do you want the Alps outside the window?

Do you want me to give away all the songs,

Give away all the songs about you?

Do you want the sun instead of a lamp?

Do you want the Alps outside the window?

Do you want me to give away all the songs,

Give away all the songs about you?


Пожалуйста, не умирай!

Или мне придется тоже.

Ты конечно сразу в рай,

А я не думаю что тоже.


Хочешь сладких апельсинов?

Хочешь вслух рассказов длинных?

Хочешь, я взорву все звезды,

Что мешают спать?


Пожалуйста, только живи!

Ты же видишь, я живу тобою.

Моей огромной любви

Хватит нам двоим с головою.


Хочешь море с парусами?

Хочешь музык новых самых?

Хочешь, я убью соседей,

Что мешают спать?


Хочешь солнце вместо лампы?

Хочешь за окошком Альпы?

Хочешь, я отдам все песни,

Про тебя отдам все песни?

Хочешь солнце вместо лампы?

Хочешь за окошком Альпы?

Хочешь, я отдам все песни,

Про тебя отдам все песни я?

In the song "Do you want?", Zemfira expresses deep affection and fear of losing a loved one. The lyrics are saturated with despair and a willingness to do anything to preserve the relationship.

The first lines "Please, don't die! / Or I'll have to too" – are a cry from the soul of the lyrical heroine, demonstrating how strongly her existence is connected with the life of the addressee. The heroine cannot imagine her life without her beloved, and even paradise does not seem attractive to her without him.

This is followed by lines full of care and desire to please: "Do you want sweet oranges? / Do you want long stories read aloud?". Zemfira uses the technique of gradation, listing simple joys at first, and then moving on to more global things: "Do you want me to blow up all the stars / That are keeping you awake?". She is ready for any sacrifice, even impossible ones, to make her loved one happy.

The repeating phrase "Please, just live!" emphasizes the plea and fear of loss. The line "You see, I live by you" reveals the depth of the heroine's dependence on her beloved, showing that he is the source and meaning of her life.

In the last verses, Zemfira continues to offer new and new gifts, reaching a culmination - a willingness to sacrifice her own creativity: "Do you want me to give you all the songs, / Give you all the songs about you?". This is the highest degree of self-sacrifice, demonstrating the boundlessness of her love.

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