The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Seagull" (Chayka) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

I want to sing and fly, fly and sing,

And not think about your words - your cruel words.

I just want to breathe, breathe deeply.

And not know anything about you - not know anyone before you.


I want to be: unnoticed, unseen, unheard, unrecognized by anyone.

I want to be weightless, like fluff. Independent of gravity.

I want to be: impossible, unthinkable, unacceptable, wrong.

I want to live!

I want happiness and tears, ordinary tears.

And not to remember what happened yesterday... How it was yesterday...

I want to go straight to the stars. To the very stars!

And not know anything about you - not know anyone before you.


I want to be: unnoticed, unseen, unheard, unrecognized by anyone.

I want to be weightless, like fluff. Independent of gravity.

I want to be: impossible, unthinkable, unacceptable, wrong.

I want to live! Seagull, fly....

The seagull is flying.

Seagull, fly.

Хочется петь и летать, летать и петь,

И не думать о ваших словах - ваших жестоких словах.

Хочется просто дышать, вовсю дышать.

И не знать ничего про тебя - не знать никого до тебя.


Хочется быть: незаметной, невидной, неслышной, никем не опознанной.

Хочется быть невесомой, как пух. Независимой от притяжения.

Хочется быть: невозможной, немыслимой, недопустимой, неправильной.

Хочется жить!

Хочется счастья и слез, обычных слез.

И не помнить, что было вчера... Как это было вчера...

Хочется прямо до звезд. До самых звезд!

И не знать ничего про тебя - не знать никого до тебя.


Хочется быть: незаметной, невидной, неслышной, никем не опознанной.

Хочется быть невесомой, как пух. Независимой от притяжения.

Хочется быть: невозможной, немыслимой, недопустимой, неправильной.

Хочется жить! Чайка, лети....

Чайка летит.

Чайка, лети.

In Zemfira's song "The Seagull", the lyrical heroine expresses a deep longing for freedom and independence. She is tormented by someone's "cruel words", perhaps going through a painful breakup or being in an oppressive environment. The desire to "sing and fly" symbolizes the desire to break free from the shackles of pain and limitations, to soar above problems.

The image of the seagull becomes key to understanding the meaning of the song. The seagull is a symbol of freedom, soaring above the hustle and bustle, the ability to overcome earthly gravity. It is no coincidence that the heroine identifies herself with this bird: "I want to be... weightless, like fluff. Independent of gravity." She craves the same lightness, the ability to detach herself from pain and "not remember what happened yesterday."

Zemfira's desire for freedom is inextricably linked with the desire to dissolve, to become invisible: "invisible, unseen, unheard, unrecognized by anyone." This can be interpreted as an attempt to hide from pain, a desire to disappear so as not to face difficulties. The heroine seems to be seeking refuge in her inner freedom, where there is no place for other people's expectations and judgments.

However, in this desire to escape, the opposite desire is also manifested – to live life to the fullest: "I want happiness and tears, ordinary tears." The heroine does not want to give up feelings and emotions, even if they bring pain. She strives for a real, authentic life, even at the cost of переживаний.

In the finale of the song, the repeated appeal "Seagull, fly" already sounds like a spell, an affirmation of one's own freedom and determination to go one's own way. The image of a flying seagull leaves a feeling of hope that the heroine will be able to overcome difficulties and find the desired freedom and happiness.

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