The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Andrei Gorelov" (Andreyu Gorelovu) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I'm certain the water stood stale. And winters with summers never changed.

Six years rushed by like crazy trains, since me and Andy parted ways that morning.

How time raced on waltzing horses, and the chest grew on pioneer girl Ira.

Everything changed at home without me, they spray deodorant in the toilets...

To the chest, to the back a convoy stuck — you can't tear it off, and grandpa sat content, the bastard, and sardonic,

Four years they stretched for the robbery, 'Scumbags,' — told them, I'll be there, so it's not a shame.

Not a shame that he messed up big time, the demon pierced him and quietly evaporated.

And for me the grudge he didn't just drop, but for the demon that got cheeky.

And there were dreams, cheap wine, vodka, but no broads, although there, generally, in the zone it's not without women.

And when I got out — clung to the breast, weakened. Paid for all four, not a bit less.

As the wind blows away the moldy cases from the shelves, you won't be done with the criminal world ever.

While the cops are sniffing around the corners, and from the teens in the yards, convicts are being forged.

I'm certain the water stood stale. And winters with summers never changed.

But how much water has flowed since then, and how many winters and how many years we haven't met.

Я убежден, стояла тухлая вода. И зимы с летами ни разу не менялись.

Шесть лет промчались, как шальные поезда, с тех пор, как мы с Андрюхой утречком расстались.

Как время мчалось на вальсующих конях, и грудь росла у пионерки Иры.

Всё изменилось дома без меня, дезодорантом пшикают в сортиры...

К груди, к спине прилип конвой — не отдерёшь, и дед сидел довольный, сволочь, и ехидный,

Четыре года натянули за грабёж, "Козлы", — сказал им, буду там, так не обидно.

Так не обидно, что заделал на глушняк, ерша пронзил и тихо испарился.

И за меня обиду снял не просто так, а за ерша, который откозлился.

И были сны, чифир, водяра, но без баб, хотя там, в общем-то, на зоне не без женщин.

А как откинулся — припал к груди, ослаб. За все четыре отвалил, ничуть не меньше.

Как сдунет ветер с полок стлевшие дела, с преступным миром не покончите вовеки.

Пока милиция шныряет по углам, а из подростков во дворах куются зэки.

Я убеждён, стояла тухлая вода. И зимы с летами ни разу не менялись.

Но сколько утекло с тех пор воды тогда, и сколько зим и сколько лет мы не встречались.

In Mikhail Krug's song "To Andrei Gorelov," the lyrical hero narrates his life after being released from prison and how he perceives the world after a long separation from it.

The phrase "I am convinced, the water stood stale. And winters and summers never changed" is a metaphor describing the hero's feeling of stagnation and lack of change in the world around him. "Stale water" symbolizes joylessness, lack of movement, and development. It seems to the hero that nothing has changed during his absence, as if time has stopped.

This phrase conveys the bitterness and disappointment of the hero. He expected changes but faced the reality that life goes on in its old, familiar ways. It is difficult for him to accept this reality, especially after the experience of imprisonment, which undoubtedly changed him. This stagnation in the outside world contrasts with the significant personal changes he has undergone, making it even harder for him to readjust.

(примерно 160 слов)

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