The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Eat the porridge yourselves." (A sechku jrite sami) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

You cops can eat the prison porridge yourselves, you bucket-eared brother-in-law, rot in jail!

Tomorrow I'll rush to my mother: I've served my time, my release has finally come.

In the slammer, Tyagun told me: 'Take it easy. Don't rush, or you'll forget -

You'll go to the settlement - Nadya lives there, tell her: "From me" - and you'll be set.'

The sun is already high in the sky, my head is somewhat clear,

I would have drunk myself to death if it weren't for you - from grief, because there is no happiness.

There are no laws for them: a convict is scum, communists are lawless everywhere,

For me, to have some fun once in a while is a must, I'll fight all the "goats" to the death, damn it!

Come on, come on, pretty lady! You don't dance on credit - I pay with new five-ruble bills!

Drink up, my beauty, drink champagne, drink with Menachem -

he hasn't touched anything but his steering wheel for a month! Come on, come on, my dear girl from Tver!

Move those little feet! My soul aches for Russia!

So I'll figure out where to find the fence later, business can wait, I'm off to the settlement, to Nadya.

Nadya's a real catch, full of life - she opened the door and I was speechless: 'Hello!'

Our life - it's being patched up by a tattoo artist. Nadya heals like a balm on a wound.

Thank you, my dear, for that night I spent in the temple of love.

Our life - it's being patched up by a tattoo artist. Nadya heals like a balm on a wound.

Thank you, my dear, for that night I spent in the temple of love.

А сечку жрите, мусора, сами, ушатый кумовой, торчи в сидке,

А завтра брошусь я к своей маме: Всё отмотал, пришла же откидка.

На Сотке мне Тягун сказал: "Сядь-ка. Ты не спеши, а то ведь забудешь, -

Зайдёшь в слободку - там живёт Надька, скажи ей: от меня, - и жить будешь".

Уже и солнце высоко в небе, и мало-мальски в голове ясно,

Да я бы спился, каб с тобой не был, - от горя, потому как нет счастья.

Законов нет на них: ведь зэк - падаль, от коммунистов - беспредел всюду,

По мне - так раз гульнуть - да жить надо, под молотки "козлов" всех, бля буду!..

Давай, давай, красючка! Не в кредит танцуешь - новыми пятихатками плачу!

Да ты выпей, красотуля, шампанского, выпей на брундершафт с Менахемом -

он месяц, кроме своей баранки, ничего не щупал! Давай, давай, милая, тверичанка моя!

Ты ж ножками, ножками давай! Душа ж за Россию болит!

Так думай сам, куда идти к доке, дела потом, я - в слободу к Надьке.

Надюха центровая, вся в соке, - открыла дверь - я онемел: "Здрасьте!"

И нашу жизнь - её кропит кольщик. Надюха лечит, как бальзам рану.

Спасибо, милая, за ту ночку, которую провёл в любви храме.

И нашу жизнь - её кропит кольщик. Надюха лечит, как бальзам рану.

Спасибо, милая, за ту ночку, которую провёл в любви храме.

Mikhail Krug's song "A sechku zhirite sami" (And you can eat the prison porridge yourselves) tells the story of the lyrical hero's experiences after being released from prison. The coarse language and prison slang ("sechka" - prison porridge, "musora" - cops, "otkidka" - release, "Sotka" - a prison, "slobodka" - a poor neighborhood) immediately immerse the listener in the atmosphere of the song, conveying the hardships and deprivations experienced by the hero.

The first verse is an outpouring of accumulated anger and resentment towards the system ("musora", "ushatyi kumovoi" - a corrupt official). At the same time, the hero rejoices at his release and anticipates meeting his mother and his beloved Nadia. The words of Tyagun from "Sotka" are an admonition not to forget about the main thing - freedom and love, which await the hero.

The second verse is imbued with bitterness and disappointment. Freedom turns out to be illusory, the hero is tormented by existential longing ("I would have drunk myself to death if it wasn't for you, - from grief, because there is no happiness"). He sees injustice around him ("There are no laws for them: after all, a convict is carrion, from the communists - lawlessness everywhere"), but finds solace in the hope of a future with Nadia ("For me, I just have to have a good time - and live, to hell with all the 'goats'").

The third verse is a vivid sketch of a restaurant revelry where the hero tries to drown his heartache in alcohol and female attention ("krasyuka" - a beautiful woman, "champagne", "tverichankaa moya" - my Tver girl). The image of "Menachem", who has not seen anything but his "steering wheel" for a whole month, emphasizes the hero's thirst for simple human joys.

The climax of the song is the meeting with Nadia. "Nadyukha tsentrovaya, vsya v soke" (Nadia is the center, full of life) - she is a symbol of life, love, healing for the hero. The "kolshchik" (tattoo artist) mentioned in the last lines is not just a tattoo artist, but a symbol of transformation, a change of fate. Nadia, like a "balm on a wound", gives the hero hope for a new life, "a night in the temple of love".

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