The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Bravo." (Bravo) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I called you my loss, and luck a fleeting bird.

And I believed in you as I believed in happiness. Well, you know, I want to say goodbye.

And let that dude, the one you're crying over, caress you after a year apart,

He will be delighted, no doubt, and maybe even lift you up in his arms.

He'll shower you with sweet words, kiss you – that's for sure,

And until death do you part, he'll call you his love, naturally.

Bravo, darling, everything is so simple, it's just a shame so much time was wasted.

Why did I keep looking at the stars, why did we kiss so much?!

We didn't fight, we parted beautifully, life pushed us together, teased us a little,

Brought us close for a moment and separated us, didn't even give a goodbye kiss!

Well, whatever, what's done is done, it's my fault, of course, as always.

Just remember one good thing, well, I wish you great happiness, in short!

And I sing, I'm not sad, let that pathetic punk be sad,

He's a restless soul and whatnot, and me? - But you're one of us, from Tver!

In Tver, our people are simple, but proud!

In Tver, our people are simple, but proud!

Я назвал тебя своей потерей, а удачу - мимолётной птицей.

А ведь я в тебя, как в счастье, верил. Ну, как знаешь, я хочу проститься.

И пусть фраер тот, о ком ты плачешь, приласкает через год разлуки,

Он обрадуется, не иначе, и поднимет, может быть, на руки.

Он рассыпается в тёплом слове, поцелует - это непременно,

И до гробовой доски лябовью назовёт тебя закономерно.

Браво, милая, всё очень просто, жаль потерянного время столько.

Для чего я всё смотрел на звёзды, для чего мы целовались столько?!

Не ругались мы, ушли красиво, жизнь столкнула, чуть побаловала,

Сблизила на миг и разлучила, на прощанье не поцеловала!

Ну да ладно, что и было - в прошлом, виноват, конечно же, опять я.

Помни только об одном хорошем, ну, большого тебе, в общем, счастья!

А я пою, я не грущу, пускай грустит тот фраерок позорный,

Он шебутной и ещё какой, а я? - А ты же наш, тверской!

У нас в Твери народ простой, но гордый!

У нас в Твери народ простой, но гордый!

The song "Bravo" by Mikhail Krug portrays a lyrical hero going through a breakup. He addresses his former lover with bitterness and irony, acknowledging his pain but trying to maintain his dignity.

"I called you my loss, and luck - a fleeting bird. And I believed in you as in happiness. Well, you know, I want to say goodbye." From the very beginning, the hero admits that he loved sincerely and deeply, but the relationship wasn't meant to be, and luck has turned its back on him.

"And let that dude you're crying over caress you after a year of separation... He'll be delighted, no doubt, and maybe even sweep you off your feet... He'll shower you with sweet words, kiss you - that's a given, and until death do you part, he'll call you his love, naturally." These lines are full of obvious irony. The hero paints a picture of the new lover - stereotypical, predictable, perhaps insincere. He seems to be comforting himself with the thought that all men are the same in their promises.

"Bravo, my dear, it's all so simple, it's just a pity so much time was wasted. Why did I gaze at the stars, why did we kiss so much?!" This desperate "Bravo!" expresses not so much admiration as bitterness and incomprehension. The hero questions the meaning of their relationship, the value of the moments they shared.

"We didn't fight, we parted beautifully, life brought us together, spoiled us a little, brought us close for a moment and separated us, didn't even kiss goodbye!" Here, the hero tries to find a rational explanation for what happened, to give the breakup a touch of lightness and even randomness.

"Oh well, what's done is done, it's all in the past, of course, it's my fault again. Just remember one good thing, well, I wish you great happiness!" These words reveal the hero's character - he is ready to take the blame, just to save face and not humiliate himself before his former lover. He wishes her happiness, although it is difficult for him.

"And I sing, I'm not sad, let that pathetic dude be sad, He's restless and all that, and me? - But you're one of us, from Tver! In Tver, people are simple, but proud! In Tver, people are simple, but proud!" The ending of the song is the hero's attempt to convince himself of his own strength and independence. He contrasts himself with the "dude," emphasizing his simplicity, honesty, and pride. The repetition of the phrase about the people of Tver is a kind of anthem to fortitude, a way to cope with pain and move on.

The song "Bravo" is a poignant story about love, separation, and the attempt to maintain dignity in a difficult life situation. It resonates with many who have experienced similar feelings and finds a response in the hearts of listeners.

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