The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Pain for you" (Bol o tebe) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The rain has beaten down the yellowed leaves, they fall heavily to the ground.

In autumn, I won't dream of you anymore, the time for love has faded and gone.


This is the pain of you.

It's not fate's will for you to kiss me with love at dawn,

I don't expect anything from you, I don't want anything from you.

I can't, I'm hurt to tears, everything that connected me to you,

The autumn wind has carried it away, leaving me only with pain.


This is the pain of you.

It's not fate's will for you to kiss me with love at dawn,

I don't expect anything from you, I don't want anything from you.

My heart has experienced loss, my memory holds every glance.

How tired I am, it hurts not to believe that you won't come back.


This is the pain of you.

It's not fate's will for you to kiss me with love at dawn,

I don't expect anything from you, I don't want anything from you.

Сбиты дождём пожелтевшие листья, падают вниз тяжело.

Осенью ты мне уже не приснишься, время любви отцвело и ушло.


Это боль о тебе.

Неугодно судьбе, что с рассветом меня поцелуешь, любя,

Я не жду от тебя, не хочу от тебя ничего.

Я не могу, мне обидно до слёз, всё, что связало с тобой,

Ветер осенний куда-то унёс и только оставил мне боль.


Это боль о тебе.

Неугодно судьбе, что с рассветом меня поцелуешь, любя,

Я не жду от тебя, не хочу от тебя ничего.

Сердце моё пережило потерю, память хранит каждый взгляд.

Как я устала, мне больно не верить, что не вернёшься назад.


Это боль о тебе.

Неугодно судьбе, что с рассветом меня поцелуешь, любя,

Я не жду от тебя, не хочу от тебя ничего.

The song "The Pain of You" by Mikhail Krug conveys the deep sadness and longing of the lyrical hero for a lost love. The image of autumn, with its yellowed leaves and cold rains, becomes a metaphor for faded feelings and the irrevocability of the past.

Already in the first lines "Yellowed leaves beaten by the rain, falling heavily down," an atmosphere of hopelessness and melancholy is created. Nature, as if empathizing with the hero, mourns the departed love. The phrase "In autumn, you will no longer appear in my dreams, the time of love has faded and gone" sounds like a bitter confession that the relationship is over, and there is no hope for its revival.

The chorus of the song, "This is the pain of you," is a cry of the soul, expressing the full depth of the lyrical hero's suffering. He understands that fate does not favor their reunion ("It is not pleasing to fate that you will kiss me with love at dawn"), and therefore tries to suppress the remnants of hope ("I do not wait for you, I do not want anything from you").

Despite attempts to come to terms with the loss, the pain does not subside. The phrase "I can't, it hurts me to tears, everything that connected us, the autumn wind has carried away somewhere, and only left me with pain" conveys all the bitterness of loss. Memories of the past, like autumn leaves, are scattered by the wind, leaving behind only emptiness and pain.

Despite the loss he has experienced, the hero's heart cherishes the memory of love: "My heart has survived the loss, memory keeps every glance." The struggle with himself, attempts to forget his beloved and at the same time clinging to the past result in the lines "How tired I am, it hurts me not to believe that you will not come back."

The whole song is permeated with a sense of hopelessness and pain from lost love. Mikhail Krug masterfully conveys the depth of human experience using vivid imagery and simple but poignant words.

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