The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Vladimir Central" (Vladimirskiy central) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Spring has come again, and rays of warmth gaze trustingly into my window.

Again, my chest will tighten, and sadness will creep into my soul, walking with me through my memories.

It will walk and stir them up! And will sin along with the memory of that girl I loved so long ago.

With that girl it left, with that girl it came back. I don't have the strength to forget her.


Vladimirsky Central - the north wind blows!

By stage from Tver - so much evil... A heavy burden lies upon my heart.

Vladimirsky Central - the north wind blows!

Although I was a gambler - my life is exchanged, but it's not "Twenty-One" that usually kills, but the Ace by Eleven.

There, under the window of the "zek", the thaw is thin, but still, you are here, however short-lived, my spring.

I am glad that here, at least this is here. How I need your love!


Vladimirsky Central - the north wind blows!

By stage from Tver - so much evil... A heavy burden lies upon my heart.

Vladimirsky Central - the north wind blows!

Although I was a gambler - my life is exchanged, but it's not "Twenty-One" that usually kills, but the Ace by Eleven.

Vladimirsky Central - the north wind blows!

By stage from Tver - so much evil... A heavy burden lies upon my heart.

Vladimirsky Central - the north wind blows!

Although I was a gambler - my life is exchanged, but it's not "Twenty-One" that usually kills, but the Ace by Eleven.

Весна опять пришла, и лучики тепла доверчиво глядят в моё окно.

Опять защемит грудь, и в душу влезет грусть, по памяти пойдёт со мной.

Пойдёт, разворошит! И вместе согрешит с той девочкой, что так давно любил.

С той девочкой ушла, с той девочкой пришла. Забыть её не хватит сил.


Владимирский централ - ветер северный!

Этапом из Твери - зла немерено... Лежит на сердце тяжкий груз.

Владимирский централ - ветер северный.

Хотя я банковал, - жизнь разменяна, но не "очко" обычно губит, а к одиннадцати туз.

Там под окном "зека", проталина тонка, и всё ж, ты, недолга, моя весна.

Я радуюсь, что здесь хоть это-то, но есть. Как мне твоя любовь нужна!


Владимирский централ - ветер северный!

Этапом из Твери - зла немерено... Лежит на сердце тяжкий груз.

Владимирский централ - ветер северный.

Хотя я банковал, - жизнь разменяна, но не "очко" обычно губит, а к одиннадцати туз.

Владимирский централ - ветер северный!

Этапом из Твери - зла немерено... Лежит на сердце тяжкий груз.

Владимирский централ - ветер северный.

Хотя я банковал, - жизнь разменяна, но не "очко" обычно губит, а к одиннадцати туз.

Mikhail Krug's song "Vladimirsky Central" is not just a description of prison life, but a profound philosophical parable about fate, love, and hope.

The opening lines, "Spring has come again, and the rays of warmth look trustingly into my window," use the metaphor of spring as a symbol of rebirth and hope that penetrate even the darkest corners, like the sun's rays peeking into a cell. However, the joy of spring is overshadowed by bitter memories of lost love: "My chest will ache again, and sadness will creep into my soul, following my memories."

The lyrical hero remembers his beloved, who has become a symbol of freedom and happiness for him: "It will come, stir it up! And it will sin again with that girl I loved so long ago. With that girl, it left, with that girl, it came. I won't have the strength to forget her." The image of the "girl" carries not only a romantic but also a symbolic meaning. The "girl" represents youth, freedom, life itself, which remains beyond the prison walls.

Vladimirsky Central, a harsh prison with a "northern wind," becomes a metaphor for the life challenges that have befallen the hero. The phrase "By stage from Tver - evil galore" paints a picture of a long and arduous journey filled with hardship and suffering. The "heavy burden" on the heart is not only the weight of imprisonment but also the burden of past mistakes, regret for lost freedom and love.

Despite the hopelessness of the situation, the hero finds the strength to hope for the best: "There, under the 'con's' window, the thaw is thin, and yet you are my short-lived spring." He clings to the fragile hope of love, which helps him survive in harsh conditions.

In the lines "Although I gambled, life has been exchanged, but it's not usually 'twenty-one' that ruins, but the ace to eleven," the author touches upon the theme of fate and fatality. The hero admits to making mistakes in the past, but his fate was determined not by random choice but by a confluence of circumstances, "the ace to eleven" – a symbol of fatal inevitability.

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