The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In Lazurnoe-3" (V Lazurnom-3) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I came to the restaurant, clutching a ten-ruble note in my hand, I look at these drunken mugs,

The waitress has runs in her stockings, probably fashionable ones, but worn out.

Even though the bald punk's drooling, he wipes his nose with a napkin politely.

If they haven't started puking in the ladies' room yet, then they've run out of vodka at the Lazurny.

By the curtained windows, in the far corner, whispering in her ear, hand on her waist,

A hooker invites a young, full-lipped tart to her table for a drink.

Her ample bosom has seen so many hands, and from those same hands so many hundreds...

She knows from experience and from her friends: officers are stingy when it comes to paying.

But tonight there's small fry here, and she doesn't give a damn, her experienced gaze has scanned the room.

"Gotta grab the hooker, or she'll dash off across the table to that blonde plague..."

The birthday boy's on a roll, acting up like a schoolboy, spilling wine on a fat lady's dress,

He slumps over the table, the birthday boy roars with laughter, his medal bobbing in the salad.

Finally, the orchestra gathered the whole crowd and played their last request...

I stand with my ten-ruble note, an apple on the snow, they gave me amnesty today...

Я пришёл в ресторан, сжав червонец в руке, я смотрю в эти пьяные рожи,

Там у официантки узлы на чулке, видно, модный чулок, но заношен.

Хоть у лысого фраера слюни текут, он сморкает в платочек культурно.

Если в женском сортире ещё не блюют, значит, кончилась водка в "Лазурном".

У зашторенных окон, в высоком углу, взяв за талию, шепчет на ухо,

Приглашает летёха на стопку к столу молодую губастую шлюху.

Её полная грудь столько видела рук и из этих же рук столько сотен...

Она знает по опыту и от подруг: офицеры скупы при расчёте.

Но сегодня здесь мелочь, и ей не фартит, зал прощупала опытным взглядом.

"Надо хапать летёху, а то побежит через стол к белокурой заразе..."

Юбилей всем хорош, и шалит, как школяр, льёт вино толстой даме на платье,

Завалился на стол, громко ржёт юбиляр, бултыхая медалью в салате.

Напоследок, оркестр собрал всю толпу и последний заказ отыграли...

Я с червонцем стою, яблоко на снегу, мне сегодня амнистию дали...

Mikhail Krug's song "V Lazurnom-3" paints a collective portrait of a Soviet restaurant during the stagnation period, a place saturated with falsehood, vulgarity, and hopelessness.

The lyrical hero, from whose perspective the story is told, is a former prisoner who has just been released ("I was granted amnesty today..."). He finds himself in the alien atmosphere of the restaurant "Lazurny," where an air of depravity and vulgarity reigns.

From the very first lines, the author paints an unsightly picture: "drunken mugs," "runs in the stockings" of the waitress, "bald sucker" – all of this creates a sense of filth and decay. Details like "fashionable stockings, but worn out," "blows his nose in a handkerchief politely" emphasize the hypocrisy and falsity prevailing in this place.

The image of the prostitute ("easy woman") further intensifies the atmosphere of vice. Her cynicism ("Her full breasts have seen so many hands..."), experience ("she scanned the room with an experienced eye"), and knowledge of the clientele ("officers are stingy when it comes to paying") speak of a deep decline in morals.

The hero of the day, "slumped over the table" and "splashing his medal in the salad," embodies philistinism, vulgarity, and lack of spirituality. He is a vivid representative of the environment that thrives in the conditions of stagnation.

The final image of the hero – "an apple on the snow" – conveys his loneliness and alienation in this world. He is an outsider at this "celebration of life," which evokes only disgust and longing in him.

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