The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In Lazurnoe-4" (V Lazurnom-4) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Come closer, let me see your chest heave with effort.

I'll spit on the floor and take you sitting down, won't even bother to offer a hand.

Frozen like a postcard, smile!

Why are you fidgeting, do you really need this? You messed up your life…

Life here is fragile, thin ice, it hurts like nothing else, my soul aches.

Your words don’t move me, won't light a spark.

I know, my dear, you wait for the night to fall at my feet,

To unload my gun with your tears and everything else…

Tell me, little mouse, how you sang, how they caressed your face,

How Victor explored your white breasts, how they played cards for you.

Chyorny let you leave Russia, even he didn't shoot you.

You wear my ring - keep it, damn it, I’ve already forgotten about it!

We won't reminisce about the time you wandered the courtyards,

When Shlomo the Jew bought you, and Dilabul brought you closer to us.

Don't strain yourself, don't pretend to be happy to see me.

For your beauty, I’ll forgive many, but not that bastard Victor!

Ты ж подойди ко мне, чтоб я видел, как тяжело вздымает грудь.

Я плюну на пол и тебя приму сидя, не встану руку протяну.

Застопорило так, в одном кадре, ак на открытке, улыбнись,

Ну что ты бздишь, тебе оно надо? Ты ж накосячила за жизнь...

А в этой жизни ох как лёд тонок, больнее нет, душа болит.

Твои слова меня не тронут и огонёк не загорит.

Я знаю, милая, ты ждёшь ночи чтобы упасть к моим ногам,

А там слезами и всем прочим ты мне разрядишь мой наган...

Ну расскажи мне, мышь, как ты пела, и как тебе ласкали фейс,

Как шарил Витя по груди белой, как вели туз на интерес.

Тебя с России отпустил Чёрный, тебя и он не пристрелил.

Мой перстень носишь - ну носи, чёрт с ним, я про него уже забыл!

Теперь не будем вспоминать время, когда ты шлялась по дворам,

Тебя купил у Шлёмы-еврея, а Дилабул приблизил к нам.

Не напрягайся и не мни ноги, не делай вид, что рада мне.

За красоту твою прощу многих, но Витю-суку - вовсе нет!

The song "V Lazurnom-4" by Mikhail Krug paints a picture of a lyrical hero encountering his former lover, who, judging by the lyrics, betrayed him and led a dissolute life. The text is saturated with bitterness, contempt, and unwillingness to forgive.

The phrase "Come closer, let me see your chest heaving heavily" is filled with sarcasm and cynicism. The hero doesn't feel tenderness or passion, he wants to see the woman humiliated, yearning for his attention. He is ready to accept her but pointedly remains seated, demonstrating his dominance and indifference.

The hero reminds the woman of her past, her mistakes ("Why are you scared? Do you really need this? You've messed up your life..."), making it clear that he doesn't believe in the sincerity of her remorse. He admits that he is hurting ("Life's a thin ice, the pain is unbearable, my soul aches"), but his heart has hardened, and the woman's words cannot rekindle the former flame.

What follows is a series of accusations and humiliating details of the past. The hero lists the names of men his former lover was with, reveling in his own superiority over them ("Chyorny let you leave Russia, even he didn't kill you. You wear my ring – fine, keep it, I've forgotten about it!"). He reminds her of her venality ("Shlyoma the Jew bought you, and Dilabul brought you closer to us"), destroying the last shreds of her dignity.

The ending of the song sounds like a verdict. The hero might be ready to forgive the woman for her infidelity, but he cannot forgive the betrayal of Vitya, who, judging by the lyrics, was close to him ("For your beauty, I'll forgive many, but not that bastard Vitya!").

"V Lazurnom-4" is a confessional song filled with pain, disappointment, and the inability to forgive. It paints a portrait of a man whose heart is broken by betrayal and whose soul is poisoned by cynicism.

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