The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Will and Peace" (Volya i pokoy) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

My son's gunpowder has gone damp, I'm breaking through to the cell boss for mercy.

Today we drink and rest from our deeds, I go where freedom and peace are.


Candles are already burning there and a waterfall of champagne will flood with white foam and touch the soul...

I go where freedom and peace are and God forbid to try on the bunk,

And if you have to burn, try to make it not for nothing.


Candles are already burning there and a waterfall of champagne will flood with white foam and touch the soul...

And Zlatoust and Lebed and Central and the northern evil camps -

Although I have lost a lot in life, I know that I have not lived it in vain!..


Candles are already burning there and a waterfall of champagne will flood with white foam and touch the soul...

Но вот сынок мой порох отсырел, ломлюсь на помиловку к центровой.

Сегодня пьем и отдохнем от дел, иду туда, где воля и покой.


Уже и свечи там горят и белой пеной водопад шампанского зальет и за душу берет...

Иду туда, где воля и покой и не дай бог примеривать косяк,

А если и прийдется погореть, ты постарайся, чтоб не просто так.


Уже и свечи там горят и белой пеной водопад шампанского зальет и за душу берет...

И Златоуст и Лебедь и Централ и северные злые лагеря, -

Хоть много я по жизни потерял, но знаю - я ее не прожил зря!..


Уже и свечи там горят и белой пеной водопад шампанского зальет и за душу берет...

In Mikhail Krug's song "Freedom and Peace", the main character is most likely a former prisoner who has been released ("my son's gunpowder has become damp") and is heading to a place that symbolizes freedom and lightheartedness ("I'm rushing to the center for a pardon", "I'm going where there's freedom and peace").

"Center" in this context can be interpreted as a certain authoritative figure in the criminal world, where "their own" gather. The atmosphere of celebration and abundance is conveyed by the images of burning candles, pouring champagne ("a waterfall of white foam").

However, behind the outward carelessness, there is also a shadow of the past and an understanding that freedom can be lost ("God forbid you try on the jamb"). The hero urges not to waste life ("And if you have to burn, try not to do it for nothing").

The list of geographical names ("Zlatoust and Lebed and Central and the evil northern camps") are references to places of detention that the hero passed on his life's journey. Despite the hardships and losses he has experienced, he does not lose his optimism and belief that life has not been lived in vain.

The image of "freedom and peace" in the song is ambivalent. On the one hand, it is the desired freedom after imprisonment, the opportunity to enjoy life. On the other hand, it is an illusory world that can end quickly. Nevertheless, the song is filled with a thirst for life and a desire to appreciate every moment of freedom.

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