The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Come back." (Vozvraschaysya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Look, there are tears in my eyes, I don't know what you need.

Come back — it's not too late — by land, by sky, and by sea.

All my warmth, my heart and soul, I will keep for you, my dear,

Come back to me, my unruly one, I can't live without you, I fear.


And all my dreams are in a white fog, where swans flap their wings.

You will never deceive me, we are together forevermore.

Where the grasses rustle by the river and the grasshopper sings of love,

There we will tell each other all our dreams and desires, my dove.

Come back, I'm waiting for you, my dear, through the night and the white day.

I love you with a newfound strength, I cannot live without you, I say.

Where the jays chatter carelessly — remember the evening in the fragrant hay? —

I will wait for you endlessly, without you, I will fade away. Fade away, fade away.


And all my dreams are in a white fog, where swans flap their wings.

You will never deceive me, we are together forevermore.

Where the grasses rustle by the river and the grasshopper sings of love,

There we will tell each other all our dreams and desires, my dove.

Посмотри, в глазах моих слёзы, я не знаю, что нужно тебе.

Возвращайся — ещё ведь не поздно — по земле, небесам и воде.

Всё тепло своё, сердце и душу для тебя, милый мой, сберегу,

Ты вернись ко мне, мой непослушный, я ведь жить без тебя не могу.


И все сны мои в белом тумане, там, где лебеди машут крылом.

Ты меня никогда не обманешь, мы навечно с тобою вдвоём.

Там, где травы шумят за рекою и кузнечик поёт о любви,

Там друг другу расскажем с тобою все мечты и желанья свои.

Возвращайся, я жду тебя, милый, среди ночи и белого дня.

Я люблю тебя с новою силой, не прожить мне теперь без тебя.

Там, где сойки щебечут беспечно, — помнишь вечер в душистом стогу? —

Буду ждать я тебя бесконечно, без тебя я одна пропаду. Пропаду, пропаду.


И все сны мои в белом тумане, там, где лебеди машут крылом.

Ты меня никогда не обманешь, мы навечно с тобою вдвоём.

Там, где травы шумят за рекою и кузнечик поёт о любви,

Там друг другу расскажем с тобою все мечты и желанья свои.

The song "Come Back" by Mikhail Krug expresses the deep longing of the lyrical heroine for her beloved, who has probably left or is about to leave. The author conveys the despair and plea of a woman who is ready for anything for the return of her beloved.

From the very first lines we see suffering: "Look, there are tears in my eyes." The heroine does not understand the reason for leaving ("I don't know what you need"), but is ready to forgive and accept her beloved without explanation.

The image of "earth, sky and water" emphasizes the all-encompassing nature of the plea, the heroine's willingness to wait anywhere and anytime. She keeps all her love ("my warmth, heart and soul"), assuring that she cannot live without him.

The chorus of the song takes the listener to the world of dreams and hopes of the heroine. The images of "white fog", "swans", "grasshopper singing about love" create an atmosphere of purity, tenderness and faith in a happy future, which is possible only together with the beloved.

The second part of the song continues the theme of pleading and waiting. The heroine is ready to wait "in the dead of night and broad daylight", her love has become even stronger ("with renewed vigor"). The memory of a happy past ("remember the evening in the fragrant haystack?") emphasizes the contrast with the present loneliness. The final "I will perish" sounds like a cry from the heart, expressing the fear and hopelessness of life without a loved one.

Thus, the song "Come Back" by Mikhail Krug is a piercing cry of a loving heart, a plea for return and a hope for reunification.

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