The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Vladimir Central-2" (Vladimirskiy central-2) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

They gathered thieves in law on the central, the bitches pissed themselves in front of the thieves both in prison and in the zone,

Because where there is a thief, there is a convict's stash, a thug's loot, and a common man's hope.

And a crimson moon hung over Vladimir and someone in the cell sang a sad song.

And the flame of that song warmed the souls of all the convicts, the sentences seemed shorter when they sang about their mothers.


And a sad song is sung in prison by a Jewish prisoner,

And the word 'mama' is recognized by every Georgian, Russian, and Gypsy brother.

Согнали как-то на централ воров в законе мочились суки в прохоря в тюрьме и в зоне,

А потому, что там где вор скощуха зэку, блатному урке и простому человеку.

А над Владимиром висел багровый месяц и кто-то в камере запел грустную песню.

И грело души всем зэка той песни пламя короче кажутся срока, когда поют о маме.


А песню грустную в тюрьме поёт один еврейский арестант

И слово "мама" каждый узнает грузин, русак и брат цыган.

Mikhail Krug's song "Vladimirsky Central-2" describes a gathering of thieves in law at the Vladimir Central Prison. The author paints a humiliating picture: "bitches were pissing in the prohory", symbolizing the decline of thieves' traditions and disrespect towards them. "Bitches" in this context refer to prisoners who have abandoned thieves' concepts, and "prohory" is a passage between cells.

The phrase "Because where the thief used to show leniency to the convict, the blatnoy (authoritative inmate), the urka (professional criminal) and the common man" emphasizes the general chaos and lack of order. "Leniency" refers to favors or exceptions. In other words, where the thief once established rules and hierarchy, there is now disorder.

The image of the "crimson moon" over Vladimir creates an atmosphere of hopelessness and despair. The song about a mother sung by a Jewish prisoner in the cell becomes a symbol of the universal longing for freedom and love. It is important to note that the song about the mother resonates with all the prisoners, regardless of their nationality: "Georgian, Russian, and Gypsy brother."

Thus, the song "Vladimirsky Central-2" is not just a description of prison life, but an allegory for the collapse of the value system, the decline of ideals, and the universal longing for freedom and human warmth.

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